St Pauls Unlimited Community Partnership Meeting Responsibilities SPU Project Meetings: SPU, in consultation with the wider St Pauls community, will set priorities for the partnerships work each year. It is expected that resident reps support in the planning and in most cases take the lead on specific projects with at least one other Co-ordinating Body member. Ashley Neighbourhood Forum: Forums are meetings where individual issues can be raised in the presence of the people who have responsibility to take action against them. As a representative of SPU Co-ordinating Body you are expected to attend forum meetings every 3 months. Representatives also have the opportunity to take issues relevant to their community or zone. Ashley, Easton and Lawrence Hill Neighbourhood Partnership: The Neighbourhood Partnership is a formal group of residents, councilors and agency representatives who meet four times a year to help guide the way services work for communities. As a representative of SPU Co-ordinating Body you have a place on the board where you are able to be part of the discussions and influence decisions being made by the members of the Partnership. Sub Groups: Planning is a sub group of SPU. It meets on the first Wednesday of each month at St Agnes Lodge and is open to all residents of St Pauls. The aim of the group is to act upon all planning applications and decisions made that will have an impact on St Pauls.