St Pauls Unlimited Planning Sub-Group 2.11.11 Present: Pete Bullard (chair), Tracy Edwards-Brown, Andy King, Mohammed Rashid, Bahayyih Brock and Colin Chapman (BCC). Colin Chapman on the Central Area Action Plan (CAAP). − It is a development plan and therefore will higher planning status than SPD10. − BCC wants to incorporate the content of SPD10 in the CAAP − It has 9 districts: ours should be called 'St Pauls and Stokes Croft.' − It will list development sites. There will be an opportunity to add more at the consultation (eg around Moon St and Backfields. − CAAP is extending the City Centre eastwards. − There is also a Public Realm and Movement document in production, which will also be consulted on. − Both documents for consultation in January for 8 weeks.