St Pauls Unlimited Planning Sub-Group 7th March 2012 Present: Pete Bullard (chair), Tracy Edwards-Brown, Andy King, Musnilya Babatunji, Dan Offord, Stephen Wickham and Jasmine O'Shaughnessy (Civic Soc), Tony Mason (Montpelier Conservation Group), Nicci Peck (P&B) Apologies: Rashid Mohammad Plot 12, Cabot Circus Pre-app. Pre-app by Dan Templeton (Turley Associates, on behalf of the Bristol Alliance) − there is an existing Reserved Matters consent from 2008. − part of the Cabot Circus Masterplan. − The only changes from the existing planning consent are (15,000sqm) − the bridge has gone − the 'leaning' ends have gone − the entrances have been moved inwards to make it easier to sub-let parts of the building. − the building will not quite achieve the 20% reduction in carbon target. − The hope is to sell it to a developer with pp. The existing pp is not attracting buyers. − Air quality, wind tunnel effect, pedestrian access were discussed. 7 Ashley Road Pre-app. By Alastair Jackson, Oxford Architects − points raised − shadowing of gardens by Ashley Road wing. − More traditional detailing round the windows in Picton St. − ground floor on Ashley Road too plain. − Windows on upper floors on Ashley road needed, and on end of wing. (staircase) − proposal was well-received on the whole. − Owner is convinced that the small cafe is viable, though small. Enforcement PB to send list of complaints. Particularly Stokes Croft shop fronts. Conservation Area extension Google 'Oxford Character assessment.' Useful tool. Proposed Public Art on junction of CityRd/Stokes Croft. - thought inappropriate?