Well being grant criteria and application

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Ashley Easton and Lawrence Hill Neighbourhood Partnership Grant Scheme Dear Colleagues and Residents, You are invited to apply to the Ashley, Easton and Lawrence Hill Neighbourhood Partnership Wellbeing Grants fund. Eligibility Funds will be distributed to groups or organisations from any sector that: • Are part of a community or voluntary group based in the Neighbourhood Partnership area or intend to run the piece of work for the benefit of people within the Neighbourhood Partnership area. • Show clearly the benefit of the piece of work to the residents of the Neighbourhood Partnership area. • Have a democratic, written constitution or are part of a larger organisation with such a constitution. • Have a bank account requiring at least two signatories (must not be related to each other) or have secured the support of another organisation with such an account. Note: if you don’t fit into the eligibility criteria above, but you have a good idea, tell us about it and we may be able to persuade an eligible organisation to work with you. Non-eligibility The following are not eligible: • Individuals or non-constituted groups. • Organisations seeking to use the grant to promote particular political parties or religious beliefs. • Organisations seeking to use the grant for the advancement of particular private business interests. • To fund the core costs of the organisation. • Replacement of statutory funding. Process and size of grant • Applicants should complete an application form. • We welcome applications from alliances, i.e. two or more groups working together.

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We are quite keen to part fund projects where applicants have secured (or attempted to secure) funding and other resources (e.g. materials, volunteers) elsewhere, but this is not a requirement. We will normally award grants of between £500 - £2,000. (please see cover letter for specific amounts for this round of grants) Grants must be fully spent by 1 March 2011 and monitoring forms completed. Any unspent funding will be returned to the Neighbourhood Partnership.

Purpose of grants • Grants will be awarded to support ideas that promote engagement and community benefit within the Neighbourhood Partnership area. • All grants will also deliver projects to promote at least one of the priorities set out in the Neighbourhood Partnership action plan or a priority agreed by the Neighbourhood Partnership. The priorities for Ashley, Easton and Lawrence Hill are as follows: 1. Environmental improvements (there will be an expectation that the long term sustainability is carefully considered in all environmental improvement projects). 2. Initiatives that bring people together (who are from different backgrounds, ages, culturals and faith groups to build communities and greater understanding). 3. Fun activities by and for young people. 4. Knowledge and skills (initiatives that help build the knowledge and skills of communities so they can be involved in decision making and continue to shape the future of their neighbourhood. Initiatives that facilitate learning across the three wards are encouraged). 5. Problem solving (initiatives where residents have got together to tackle a problem and need some funding to implement the solution). •

Awarding of grants Awards will be made by the elected Councillors for the Neighbourhood Partnership area upon advice from the steering group and/or a panel set up by the steering group.

Monitoring • Successful applicants will be required to submit a brief report, usually within two months of the agreed project end date / or every three months the project is to take place over a long period of time, outlining how the money was spent – please ensure that you have costed this time into your project. • This report will include a financial statement and receipts of all monies spent.

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The report will also need to detail the actual outputs as described in the application form (e.g. no. of people attending, no. of trees planted, no. groups helped). Case studies of participants may be asked for – we will tell you before you start to deliver your project if this is required. We are interested in anything you have learned. We would like to hear about anything that went particularly well or particularly badly, what you learned and any tips you would give other people who may be doing something similar. A few photographs would be good too, if relevant. These may be used on the Neighbourhood Partnership website and in other media relations activity. You may be required to make a presentation to the Neighbourhood Forum or Neighbourhood Partnership to celebrate your project’s success. Grant recipients should acknowledge the Neighbourhood Partnership support on any published material.

Deadlines and awards • •

Deadline for this round of applications is 5pm on Wednesday 17 November . Applications received after this deadline will not be considered. Applications should be either emailed to Diane Dodd at diane.dodd@bristol.gov.uk or posted to: Attn: Diane Dodd St Agnes Lodge Thomas Street St Pauls Bristol BS2 9LJ If your application is successful you will informed by the end of December 2010.

Thank you for you interest in this grant fund. I look forward to receiving your completed application. Kind Regards, Diane Dodd Projects Manager Supporting Ashley, Easton and Lawrence Hill Neighbourhood Partnership

Ashley, Easton and Lawrence Hill Neighbourhood Partnership Wellbeing Grant Application Form 1. What area of our Neighbourhood Partnership do you plan to work in? Please circle the area(s) relevant to your project Easton

Lawrence Hill

2. Your details: Name of your group or organisation: Contact address: Post code: Telephone number: Email address: Name of the contact person within your group or organisation: 3. Please tell us briefly about your group or organisation. What do you do?

4. Please tell us about the piece of work you are asking us to fund, Name of your project:

Description of what your project aims to do and who the project is aimed at:

5. When will the piece of work take place? Start date: …………………..

End date: ……………………

6. Why is your project needed? Please also state how you have consulted with your client group.

7. Impact of your piece of work Please state how your project will impact on our Neighbourhood Partnership priorities – please be specific with realistic measurable outcomes. If your project impacts on more than one priority, please tell us about all of them. You must say clearly how your piece of work will make an impact on any of the priorities you have indicated. Priority (please see What impact will your How will you record and the application criteria project have on this evidence your letter for further details priority? (e.g. 12 people achievements? (this on our priorities) to receive training, one could be signing in community event with 150 sheets, copies of attendees) certificates, photos, case studies etc) Environmental improvements

Initiatives that bring people together

Fun activities by and for young people

Knowledge and skills

Problem solving

Activities by and for elders

8. How will you make sure your project is of benefit to the relevant equalities communities in the area? (Older people, young people, black and minority ethnic people, lesbian, gay and bisexual people, disabled people, women or other disadvantaged groups)? Please tell us as much as you can – you can attach additional sheets of paper if you need to.

9. How much money are you asking for? £ 10. Please set out a breakdown of the total costs of your project, showing us which items you are asking us to fund and which are being funded from another source. Please tick if you are Item Cost asking for us to fund this item

Total cost: 11. You are required to have and submit a copy of the following documents. If you do not submit these documents, your application will be incomplete and will not be considered.

If you would like to apply but need help developing these documents for your group, please let us know and we will do our best to assist you. 11a. A formal constitution (set of rules for your group) 11b. An Equal Opportunities Policy 11c. A Health and Safety Policy 12. The following documents are requested, but not required unless you answer yes to the questions 12a and 12b. If you answer yes, you are required to provide copies of these documents. If you do not provide copies of these documents you application will be incomplete and will not be considered. If you would like to apply but need help developing these documents for your group, please let us know and we will do our best to assist you. 12a. Will your project involve working with children, young people or vulnerable people? If yes, you are required to provide a copy of a Safeguarding Policy. 12b. Will your project involve working with members of the public? If yes, you will be required to provide a copy of your Public Liability Insurance. (If you do not currently have Public Liability Insurance, you can include the cost in your budget to purchase this insurance as part of your project costs) 13. Does your group have a bank/building society account and do cheques need to be signed by two or more signatories?

Please circle one: Yes No

If you can answer Yes to questions 11a and 13, complete the box below. If one or both of your answers to 11a or 13 is No, please answer question 14. Please give us the Name of account: details of your Bank/building society: bank/building society Branch: account into which we Account number: should pay a grant if Branch sort code: you are successful 14. If you answered No to questions 11a or 13 above, we will want to pay your grant through a formally constituted group if your application is

successful. Please tell us below which group will receive a grant on your behalf for this piece of work. Name of the group: Address: Please give us the Name of account: details of this group’s Bank/building society: bank/building society Branch: account into which we Account number: should pay a grant if Branch sort code: you are successful Please ask the Chair, Treasurer or Chief Executive to sign below to confirm that they are willing to receive the grant on your behalf: I confirm that my group has agreed to receive a Neighbourhood Partnership Wellbeing Grant on behalf of this group. Name: Position: Group/organisation: Signed: Declaration


Name of person submitting the form: Signature: Name:


Position in the group or organisation: For organisations with a Management Committee: Signature of the Chair of the Management Committee (or another member of the Management Committee if the Chair is completing this form). If you are not a formally constituted group, this application must be signed by another member of your group: Signature: Name:


Checklist, please make sure you have: Read the guidelines Answered every question Enclosed a copy of your constitution Enclosed any other relevant information (e.g. health and safety policies, risk assessments, safeguarding policies, public liability insurance) Completed details of your bank account Signed the form and had it countersigned If necessary, obtained the details and signature of a constituted organisation to receive your grant on your behalf if you are successful

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