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The Broad Reacher’s FWSA Interclub event was quite a “success” with four member clubs participating. With little or no wind, 1st Delegate Gloria Davis came up with a fun and “educational” race. This event involved small colored beach balls, Prams, and sailors willing to paddle to complete the course. The “educational” part of the race involved passing the beach balls from one boat to another in the zone and overlapped. Being first to reach the mark made little or no difference since you needed another sailor to exchange your beach balls. Each sailor rounded the course twice, exchanging balls in the zone and crossing the finish line with different colored balls. It was fun to watch and to photograph.
Gloria thanked her Race Committee and Safety Boat volunteers for their patience during the race. A lot of laughs were had by all.
First place in this event went to Salty Sister Bijie Ding, 2nd place to Emily Kennedy from the Salty Sisters (sailing in her first Interclub), and 3rd place sailing for the Broad Reachers, Katie Rodgers. This year the FWSA is promoting a “Rookie” award for first time Interclub sailors. Chris Poorman from the Clearwater Bowchasers received her first trophy for her first Interclub. Each trophy for this race was a beautiful orchid plant.