PETI :RITE Vor, . VI .
JULY, 1884 .
No . 45.
SCHOOL LETTER. OMMEMORATION Day has passed and gone ; this year the proceedings were varied by a treble solo from a member of the Choir, an event unknown in the school history for some years . The preacher was the Yen . Archdeacon Crosthwaite, who gave us an excellent sermon . It being delivered ex-tempore, we have to regret our inability to publish it after the custom of former years . In the face of the York. Herald it would be impertinent to attempt any description of the service, but we must give a word of thanks to Mrs. Stephenson and Mr . Yeld for the decoration of the chapel . By the bye, that excellent journal has now a rival in the field, in the shape of a Conservative Daily. The XI ., though by no means invincible, is showing very fair form, not having yet sustained a very crushing defeat . The Leeds match, where everybody seemed to try and play their worst, is our greatest failure . To counteract this we have a victory of Durham, the return match with whom has not yet been played . Several of the new members, particularly McClellan, sheaved good form at the commencement of the season, but are now falling off ; Noble, however, is decidedly a success, and keeps his form well. The (to use the technical expression) " regatta " boat is at work, and is intending to row in the holidays . It is made up of Johnson str ., Crossley 3, Rose 2, and Nilson bow. The rudder strings are handled by the fair Petronella. The Lawn Tennis Club has again been revived, and been far more of a success than in former years . Would not a tournament to close their season be a success, and bring out embryo Renshaws ? Dr . Naylor is soon to shew his composing powers to the people of York, as his oratorio " Jeremiah," is to be performed in the Minster by an assembly of church choirs. G . II . Eyre (0 . P .) who rowed two in the Cambridge Boat is coming to examine the Lower School at Midsummer . IIe ought to be of assistance to the regatta boat, if he takes them in hand .
On the Commemoration day in 1833, immediately after Divine service, the Headmaster ' s stole, a silk one, absconded leaving in its place an elderly alpaca one . Anxious enquiries were instituted, but it never returned . A few days ago the following atrocious epigram on the subject was laid on the Headmaster ' s table . Author unknown, but a certain ponderousness of language and sentiment seems to point to Caledonia, and the airy hundred-weights of a " poetic child ." Here it is : Piso . oh ! Piso, you have stolen my scarf ;" But Piso he solemnly smole : " That's a joke," quoth he, " fit to make elephants " larf ;" How can a man steal what is stole ?"
OXFORD LETTER. HAVE been asked to correct a printer ' s error in the last letter. What could have possessed them to substitute hated " for " celebrated " with regard to the Westminster election there alluded to, "is a matter for conjecture ." Events in the Athletic world have since then crowded thick upon one another, and would require much space to deal fully with . In the eights your correspondent ' s predictions were almost uniformly correct ; Exeter remained head without an effort ; Corpus caught 11Iagdelene and took second place ; Christ Church made six bumps in five nights and were close on Ii.eble on the sixth ; Queen's with Baskett and Kaye rose three places, while Wadham reached the unenviable position of bottom . Worcester was the mark for several attacks ; in fact, so certain were University and Balliol of catching them that they ordered Taunt, the photographer, to direct his instrument on the spot where they determined to make the bump : unfortunately for this scheme, while their promised victim kept its position, they steadily journeyed lower down night by night. Christ Church and Corpus are the only clubs sending boats to Henley—both are to compete for the Ladies Plate and Visitors, which were won by Christ Church last year. The 'Varsity eleven has just completed a very successful series of trial matches—scoring three wins out of four matches ; of course that against the Australians being by far the most creditable . It must, however, be acknowledged that the M .C .C . batting was very weak with the exception of four men, but still Buckland's performance (7 wickets for 17) was very fine, and will, in all probability, secure his blue . Since term time another victory has to be chronicled, over
Lancashire at Manchester, where O'Brien distinguished himself by making 91 (not out) and 17 . Kemp has, however, been the most successful man, having never failed to score and generally score largely. His average at present is close upon -10 . The eleven against Cambridge will probably consist of M . C . Kemp, T . R . Hy re -Haycock, II . V . Page, E. W . Bastard, '1'. C . O'Brien, A . R . Cobb, K . J . Key, J. II . Brain, B . E . Nicholls, II . O . Whitby, and E . II. Buckland ; the seven last are all fresh men . Judging by the trial matches, the chances of wiping out the defeat in the boat race seem fairly rosy . The scoring on both sides promises to be considerable. The strength of the 'Varsity undoubtedly lies in its batting ; nine may be considered safe for runs and of these five have good averages. The fielding is extremely fine with one exception . As regards the bowling, the Australians said that Whitby was the best fast bowler they had ever met in England—(Query : Was it because he was so destructive against them?)—none the less on a wet wicket he is extremely dangerous . Bastard and Page are both very steady and keep down runs, the last being at times untouchable . Unfortunately they have not a great capacity for securing wickets. Buckland, however, when once on the move is distinctly awkward, while Nicholls is a fair change slow bowler . All the bowlers are good, and as a rule, quite above the average, though none except perhaps Bastard are really first class. " Yours truly " is rejoicing in soul at the abolition of a viva in Mods—a truly timely change. Further alterations have also taken place, but these, he rejoices to say, do not come into force until after June, 1555 . The prepared books are cut down from eight to four, but the extra amount required in these more than makes up for the apparent reduction . The whole of Cicero, Virgil, Homer, and Demosthenes, is rather too much. All other authors are to be taken in an increased number of unprepared paper—on the whole a feeble compromise between the Cambridge system and the one existing here at present. Ile only Peterites in for schools at present are J. II . P . Fowler of Trinity, who we hope will follow up his success in moderations by an equally brilliant first in greats ; W . II . Cobb, of New College, and W. J . P . Kaye, of Queen ' s, to all of whom we wish a pleasant rest from troubles. Anent examinations a rather good story (with the additional a1vantage of truth) is told of a well-known coach, wish`ug to do the
utmost for a very hopeless case, whom for reputation's sake he was anxious to see through, he asked him to cone and have a final talk over the subject one Sunday, as the examination began the next day. The coached sent back an indignant refusal on religious grounds, sacrilege, etc . The only reply returned was, " I think I am not without scriptural authority for my act, ' whoso having an ass fallen into a pit, cloth not straightway pull it out on the Sabbath day .' " ODOD. P.S .—Latest news says that C .C .C. are not sending a boat to Henley .
CAMBRIDGE LETTER, HESE Peterite Editors again ! I shall die of "Peterite Editors ." I cannot escape from them. Am I ensconced in the bosom of my alma mater? Peterite Editors find me . Do I flee for refuge beneath the shadow of some ancient sacred edifice buried somewhere in the depths of England ? Peterite Editors espy me . Do I finally in despair crouch beneath some lofty Scottish mountain? ' tis in vain. I am soon discovered . By whom? By the Peterite Editors of course. Life is short . Life with Peterite Editors into the bargain is shorter. Having thus given vent of some of my superfluous rage, I now proceed to give you some news . The various Tripos lists are out. The Senior Wrangler is Sheppard of Trinity, Young of Peterhouse, who was first favourite having to be contented with fourth place. Chadwick and Collinson have made their debut as Senior Optimes, Eyre as Junior Optime. In the classical Tripos, Douglas and Griffith obtained Second Class Honours . Concerning the other Peterites here, I have to relate that Crawshaw passed his " Mays " in Law with credit, while Wilton has added to his already long list of honours by obtaining the prize at Christ's for Latin IIexameters . Stevenson has passed his 1st M .B. examination, and there is every prospect of a speedy increase in the death-rate. By-the-bye we must congratulate Stevenson upon attaining his fourteenth stone . This is a marvellous achievement and reflects great credit on the author. Peters of Corpus was the only 0. P . rowing in his College boat. Stress of work no doubt prevented the others from doing likewise.. " Yours truly " was prevented by an attack of Examinal Fever from going down to Ditton, but there were as many people there as usual, and I might add, those who were not there were no doubt elsewhere ..
Our cricket prospects are not at all bright . I am afraid the Oxford bowling will prove too good for us, but we may win if we have luck. The "crack" public-schoolmen, Greatorex and Marchant, don't seem to have sustained their reputations in the ' Varsity match .
far .
Let us
hope they will come
might write on for ever, but the midnight
bells now warn me to desist from literature, and after a severe inward struggle
tear myself away from
you . Good
P.S.—_Morning. Dreamt I was pummelling night .
Peterite Editors all CAL LEH.
1st innings. P . E . Lord, run out . II . W. Rhodes, lbw, b Rose J . Sharpe, b McClellan .. W . Murray, run out .. H . Botterill, not out .. R . Crawshaw, b Haynes .. Extras . . ..
2nd innings. 11 b Noble .. 45 b Noble .. 4 b McClellan .. 1 not out .. 28 c Noble, b McClellan .. 8 c Gofton, b Noble .. 6 Extras . . . .. .
Total . . . . . 103 1st innings. TWELVE. H. McClellan, c Crawshaw, b Rhodes . . 4 J . E . Noble, c and b Rhodes . . 11 . . 0 R . IIaynes, b Lord 7 C . D . Rose. b Sharpe 2 C. B. Clarke, run out . . 8 IV . Holmes, run out W . S. Gofton . b Rhodes . . 1 W. G . Wilson, not out 10 1 J . G . Wilson, c Rhodes, b Sharpe . . 2 J. Scarborough . b Lord . . H. Me lurk, b Rhodes 0 W. E . Bosomworth, b Lord .. . 9 Extras . . . 9 Total . . . v . ST . JOHN'S ST . PETER' S Sc0OOL. J . Sharpe, c Sowerby, b Barker W . Murray, b Sharpe H . W . Rhodes, run out P . E .Lord, b Sowerby J .E. Noble, b Sharpe H. Botterill, b Sowerby H . McClellan, c and b Barker W. P. Lewis, b Barry R . Crawshaw, b Sowerby W . S . Gofton, b Barry W . G. Wilson, not out Extras Total
Total . . 2nd innings. b Rhodes .. . . b Lord . . .. .. b Rhodes .. .. b Rhodes .. c Botterill, b Murray b Lord . . . . .. b Rhodes .. c and b Lord . . b Rhodes b Rhodes b Rhodes not out . . . Extras . . .
12 13 3 3 1 1 4 37
Total . . .
1 9 6 4 4 0 2 2 0 0 0 31 10 69
COLLEGE .—May 17th. ST . JOHN •s COLLEGE. 13 Waterson,b Rhodes 4 Atkinson . run out 9 Barry, b McClellan 8 Horbury, b Rhodes 2 Sowerby, b Lord 0 sharpe. not out 16 Douglas, b Rhodes 9 Worthington, b Lord 0 Barker, b Rhodes 0 Oveuden, c Noble . b Lord 2 Holmes, b Lord 15 Extras 78
2 15 33 8 0 13 0 1 1 1 0 11 85
BOWLING ANALYSIS. THE School. âIdes . Runs. 13 4 16 . . 11 .4 3 21 8 11 5 14 4 0 1 0 2 Barry bowled 1 and Holmes 2 wider. Overs .
Barry . . Barker Sowerby Sharpe Holmes
Wkts. 2 2 3 2 0
ST . JOHN 'S .
Puns. Wkts. Overs. âidns. 16 6 25 4 Lord . . 11 3 18 4 Rhodes Lewis 3 1 8 0 5 Sharpe 0 17 0 4 2 McClellan . . 5 1 v . YORKSHIRE GENTLEMEN—May 24th. YORKSHIRE GENTLEMEN. ST . PETERS SCHOOL. 51 D. S . Mackay, b Rhodes 4 P . E . Lord, b Ferrier 0 P . H . Rodgers . b Rhodes 2'2 W Murray, b Mawson J . Sharpe, b J . Ware 1 Capt . Ferrier, run out 4 46 H .W. It Nodes, c Broadwood b Mawson 5 L . Podsworth, b Murray H .McClellan, c Mackay 1, ho ' sworth 28 E. Harrison, c Murray, b McClellan 0 38 J . E . Noble, b Ferrier 5 W. H . Mawson, b Rose 7 10 E . R . Dodsworth, b Murray H . Ii t :aill, b Ferrier 0 R . Crawshaw, c Mawson, b Rodgers 2 J. T . Ware, st . Holmes, b Murray 10 J . Dewhirst . b Ferrier 0 C . Broadwood, b Rose 5 W. Holmes, b Ferrier 0 F. Ware, b Murray 1 W . Hutchinson, not out G C . Rose, not out 4 Extras 2 Extras
Total 138 BOWLING ANALYLIS. ST . PETER ' S SCHOOL. Overs. Maidens.
J . T . Ware . . .. W. H . Mawson .. P . H. Rodgers . . E . R . Podsworth . . Capt . Ferrier . . C . Broadwood P . H. Rodgers
f, 12 7 6 9 2 bowled 2
Total Runs .
2 16 5 20 1 16 0 23 2 22 0 5 no balls.
IIues .
1 1 1 5 0 Wkts.
8 2 18 . . . . 16 v 43 2 . . 5 0 27 1 1 35 4 .. 10 e 3 .2 0 13 ... v . YORK—May 29th. 1st Innings . Sr . PE r, t ; s SCHOOL . 2nd Innings P. E . Lord, b Wisker 11 Sowden J . Sharpe, b Murfin 7 9 Wisker H . W . Rhodes, b Murfin 15 not out . Procter, b Wisker 0 c and b Sowden H . McClellan, st H . Botterill, c Vaughan, h Murfin 5 st . Procter, b Wisker 6 b Wicker J . E . Noble,c Murfin, b Wisker W . Murray, b Sowden 7 b Sowden . . . 4 c Busby, b Wicker W . Lewis, b Sowden 0 st . Procter, b Wisker R. Crawshaw, c and b Wicker R . Haynes, c Dudley, b Wisker . . 0 b Sowden 0 st. Procter, b Wisker W . Holmes, not out 2 Extras Extras P. E . Lord . . H . W . Rhodes H . McClellan W. Murray . . . C. Rose . ..
Total . . -57
5 2 12 10 1 1 3 6 0 0 5 0 45
J. L . Procter, c Botterill, b Lord H. Dudley, b Rhodes P . Varighan, c Rhodes, b Murray T. Dudley, c Botterill, b Lord G . C. Bushy, b Rhodes A. Murtin,b Rhodes T . H . Sowden, c and b Lord R . Crowe, b Rhodes G . Linfoot, b Murray A. B . Norwood, l b w, b Lord J. T . Wisker, not out Extras
42 0 3 18 0 7 2 0 10 0 14 9 Totul
BOWLING ANALYSIS. 1st Innings—St . Peter's School . Overs Mds. Rnns, Wkts . 5 J. T . Wisker . . . 15 5 25 A. Murfin . . . . 13 5 30 3 T. H . Sowden . . 1 .2 1 0 2 I
2nd Innings. Overs Mils . Rims. Wkts;
T . H . Sowden . .10.1 J . T . Wisker . .10
YORIi. Overs.
Maidens . Rees .
II . W. Rhodes . . 9 W . Murray . . . . 3 .1 P. E . Lord . . . . 11 H . McClellan . . 4 W . P. Lewis . . 2 P . E . Lord bowled a
1. 0 4 0
13 27 15 8
3 2
18 27
4 6
4 2 4 0 0
ST . PETER ' S SCHOOL. P . E . Lord, b Dorman
G. Breed, b Murray 2 C . E . Rudd, run out 0 E . Glaishy, b Rhodes 2 W. R . Nicholson, b Rhodes 12 J . Donnan, c Crawshaw, b Murray 7 J . Varley, c Crawshaw, b Murray 6 J. Leckenby, b Rhodes 11 R . Tate, not out 6 H. Muchall, c Murray, b Rhodes 0 8 . Bryant 1 To bat C. Going 1 Extras 4 Total for 8 wickets
82 5 J . Sharpe, b Dorman H . IV . Rhodes, b Nicholson 7 II . McClellan, c and b Breed 34 H . Botterill, c Glaish y , b Nicholson47 J. E . Noble, b Nicholson 5 IV . Murray, b Nicholson 16 1 W . Holmes, c Varley, b Nicholson J . Scarborough, b Rudd 0 R. Crawshaw, not out 7 R . C . Rose, b Nicholson ii Extras 18
Total — .222
W . R . Nicholson . . T . Dolman . . .. G. Breed . . .. C . E. Rudd . . . . Doman bowled
40 20 11
6 107 6 41 1 40 8 4 13 2 and Rudd 1 wide.
NORTH RIDING ASYLUM. Overs . Maidens . Runs.
H. W . Rhodes W . Murray . . P . E . Lord . .
11 s 2
4 1 1
1 '.3i 2
6 2 1 1
4 3 0
r. MR . WALPER'S XI.—June 3rd. 1st Innings. H . Denby, st. Holmes, b Murray C . Parr, b Rhodes G. F . Milner, c Lord, b Murray A . Murfin, b Rhodes J . L. Varley, b Lord A . J . Milner, b Rhodes G. Glaisby, c Lord, b Rhodes F . Hillyard, b Lord J . C . Walker, b Rhodes A . L. Bellerby, not out H. Walker, b Rhodes Extras
2nd Innings. 2
6 0 14 15 7 0 6 5 0 1 10
b Murray b Rhodes
4 6
not out
c Murray, b Lord b Rhodes run out Extras
4 0 4 5
Total . . . .66
Total for 5 wickets
P . E . Lord, b Murfin .. J . Sharpe, b Parr . . . . H . W . Rhodes, run out . . II . McClellan, st . Denby, b Parr . . H. Botterill, c A . Milner, b Murfin W. Murray, b Parr . . J. E . Noble, c J . Walker, b Denby R . Crawshaw, b Murfin .. W . P . Lewis, c Varley, b Denby . . W . Holmes, not out . . . . J. Scarborough, c Varley, b J . Walker . . Extras . .
. .
3 10 12 0 2 2 22 4 15 4 5 7 87
Z.I .
1st Innings.
2nd Innings .
Ovens. Maidens . Runs . Wkts
H . W. Rhodes . . W. Murray . . P. E . Lord . .
15 9 5
5 2 0
19 27 11
6 2 2
avers .
9 2 7
2 0 3
8 5 6
ST . PETER 'S SCHOOL. Ovens . Maidens .
, . C . Parr A. Murfin . . G . F . Milner . . H . Denby . . .. J . C . Walker . . G . F . Milner
10 13
0 3 0 5 0 3 1 bowled 2 wiles.
Runs .
23 25 10 15 6
2 1 1
3 3 0 2 1
v. DURHAM SCHOOL. This match was played at Durham on Saturday, June 7th, and resulted in a win for the visitors by 10 runs . Lord won the toss and went in with Sharpe . Alderson and Nimmo shared the bowling. Lord began by hitting Alderson for two 2 ' s, but Sharpe after sending Nimmo for 2 was bowled by him . Rhodes followed, and with Lord took the score to 24, when Lord was bowled by Robertson who had taken Alderson's place . Nimmo bowled Rhodes at the same total.
McClellan was fortunate in being missed three times, but was soon bowled by Headlam . Botterill soon ran himself out and Murray was easily bowled . Noble and Crawshaw made a stand, but the latter was stumped, and Noble caught in the long field . Holmes succeeded in running himself out, but Lewis and Scarborough put on 20 for the last wicket . Alderson and Stanton began the innings of Durham to the bowling of Rhodes and Murray . Alderson began by hitting Rhodes for 3 in his first over, a performance which was repeated by Stanton in the same over . Alderson then hit Murray for 4 and a single, and in the next over for 3 . This brought on Lord who got Stanton 1 . b . w. with his first ball. Ilolden followed, but was caught at the wicket for 5 . Robertson joined Alderson, but the latter was soon caught by Lord off Noble who had gone on vice Rhodes . Walker and Robertson then made a stand, and only 4 wickets were down for 59 . Sharpe had taken the ball from Lord, and Rhodes bowled for Noble . The change was very effective, Sharpe getting rid of Robertson, Barmby, and Walker . Stoker was caught off Rhodes, who also caught and bowled Parker . Shaw followed, and played steadily for some time . Runs came very slowly, the fielding being very good. No separation, however, was effected, and McClellan bowled instead of Sharpe. Shaw was stumped off his first ball, and with the last of his over he clean bowled Nimmo, the innings ending for 73. Lord and Sharpe went in a second time for St . Peter ' s, Nimmo and Robertson sharing the bowling . Sharpe quickly hit up 11, and was caught off Nimmo . Rhodes joined Lord, and the score was quickly taken to 85 before Lord was out, 1 . b . w . to a ball of Holden's. Rhodes and McClellan played out time when the score was 92 for two wickets . No less than 8 bowlers were tried during this innings. ST. PETERS SCIIOOL.
1st Innings. P. E . Lord, b Robertson . . . . 15 J . Sharpe, b Nimmo . . . . .. H . W . Rhodes . b Nimmo . . . .7 . .5 H . McClellan, b Headlam . . H . Botterill, run out . . . .7 W . Murray, b Robertson . . . .1 J. E . Noble, c Walker, b Alderson . .13 R . Crawshaw, st. Shaw, b Headlam 4 IS W. P. Lewis, not out 2 W. Holmes, run out 7 •G . Scarborough, run out Extras 2 Total . . . .83
2nd Innings. 1 . b . w . b Holden .. c Stanton, b Nimmo not out not out
. .39 . .11 . .35
Total for 2 wickets . . . .92
DunIIAM ScxooL. A . F. Alderson, c Lord, b Noble .. P. Stanton, 1. b . w ., b Lord .. .. H. Holden, c Holmes, b Lord H . Robertson, c Crawshaw, b Sharpe G . K . Walker, c McClellan, b Sharpe H . F . Barmby, b Sharpe . .. C . Stoker, c Crawshaw, b Rhodes T . Parker, c and b Rhodes . . A. F . Shaw, st . Holmes, b McClellan M . Headlam, not out .. .. W . Nimmo, b McClellan . . . Extras ..
. .. ..
.. .. .. .. . ..
.. .
23 5 5 15 9 0 2 2 6 1 0 5
1st Innings. Overs .
13 2 10 5 9 3 3 2 2 S Stoker bowled 1 wide. 2nd Innings.
A . F . Alderson IV. Nimmo . . A . Robertson C . Stoker M . Headlam .
Overs .
W . Nimmo A . Robertson . . . A . F . Alderson M. Headlam . . G . K . Walker C. Stoker H . F . Barmby H . Holden
8 2 .. 3 1 ... 10 3 0 . . 3 0 . . 2 0 . . 1 . . 2 0 3 0 Walker bowled a wide.
Runs .
34 12 15 4 13
1 2 2 0 2
13 10 23 11 11 3 5 11
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
DunHAM Scnoor. Overs .
H . W . Rhodes AV. Murray . . P . E . Lord . . J . E . Noble . . J . Sharpe . . 11. McClellan
. . .. .. . . ..
17 2 6 4 10 1 P . E . Lord bowled a
7 0 2 0 6 0 wide.
22 9 12 14 10 1
2 0 2 1 3 2
v . YORK LAW .—June 12th. 2nd Innings. 1st Innings . R. Brooks, c Crawshaw, b Rhodes—11 c and h Rhodes .. . .18 c Lewis, b Rhodes .. T . C . Yeoman, b Lord b Rhodes H . V. Scott, c Crawshaw, b McClellan 16 not out J. R . Wood, c Scarborough, b Lord . . 0 D . S. Mackay, b Lord .. .. a b Lord c McClellan, b Rhodes . .. E. R . Dodsworth, b Rhodes H. F. Cundall, b Rhodes .. b Noble . . .. b Noble F. Ware, b Lord . Hewgill, b Lord . b Noble S G. G . Thompson, b Rhodes b Rhodes .. J . T . Ware, not out .. b Rhodes . . .. Extras Extras . . . .. Total . . . .72
27 0 7 73 15 2 27 0 6
P . E . Lord, b Cundall ... J . Sharpe, b Cundall H . IV . Rhodes, b Cundall . . H McClellan, b Cundall . . W . S . Gofton, b Cundall W . Murray, 1) J . T . Ware . . . J . E . Noble, c Scott, b Wood R. Crawshaw, b Cundall . . . W. P. Lewis, b Cundall .. J . Scarborough, b Wood W . Holmes, not out .. . Extras
.. . ... .. . .. . ..
.. .. . ...
.. . .. ..
.. Total
1st Innings .
Overs . Maidens Runs Wkts .
H . W . Rhodes . . W . Murray . . P . E . Lord . . . H . McClellan . . J. Sharpe W . P. Lewis J . E . Noble
10 .1 3 10 3
3 0 2 0
21 18 20 1i)
2nd Innings. Maidens.
Runs .
Ova's . Maidens. Runs .
4 0 5 1
Ovcrs .
23 9 0 0 0 5 8 15 1 0 0 . 4
16 .1 1 55 2 0 8 41 11 0 14 2 0 3 14 0 4 0 17 8 (0 31 P. E . Lord bowled a wide.
6 0 1 0 0 0 3
J . R. Wood . . . 12 .4 3 25 2 20 H. F. Cundall 15 7 7 15 1 J . T . Ware . . .. 3 0 H . F. Cundall bowled a wide. J . T . Ware bowled a no ball. v . HORNSEA—June 14th. ST. PETERS SCHOOL .
P. E . Lord, run out . .. J. Sharpe, b Bainton . .. H . W. Rhodes, b Bainton . .. . .. H. McClellan, b Ilodgson .. . . . B . Crawshaw, b Bainton . . J. E . Noble, c Carver, b Saxelbye H . Botterill, b Saxelbye . . . . . G. C . Waud, b Saxelbye . . . . . . J. Scarborough, b Saxelbye . . . W . Holmes, not out . . . . . . W. G . Wilson, 1) H . N . Wade . . Extras . . . . . . .
. . 52 . .26 .. . 5 .. 6 . . .13 . .12 . .18 .. 2 ... 0 . . 15 .. 9 . . .29
H . Saxelbye, c and b McClellan . . .22 . ..6 G. F. Harrison, b Rhodes A . J . Carver . 1 . b. w ., b Rhodes . . . 7 J . Bainton, not out 47 H . N . Wade, b Rhodes .3 11 . IV . Abernethy .cSIcClellan,bLord 18 E . Hodgson, st . Holmes,b McClellan 26 A . W. Lambert, c Lord, b McClellan 1 J. H . Watson, not out 1 R. T. Wade To bat A . C . Hartzig I Extras . . . .. .. 3
Total 187 Total for 7 wickets . . . .134 BOWLING ANALYSIS. ST . PETER' S SCHOOL. Ov, rs .
Maidens .
Runs .
82 H . Bainton . . .;5 3 18 H . N . Wade . . 4 0 15 3 22 E . Hodgson . ... 6 0 16 II . W . Abernethy . . . 11 6 19 H. Saxelbye . . E . Hodgson and II . W . Abernethy bowled 1 wide.
3 1 1 0 4
HORNSEA. Maidens . Overs .
H . W . Rhodes P . E . Lord . . H . McClellan J . E . Noble . . . J . Sharpe H . W.
... .. ... . .
19 15 5 4 0 Rhodes bowled a
Runs .
58 34 12 18 11
3 1 3 0 0
4 4 1 0 0 wide.
v . MR. J . C . WALKER'S XI.—June 17. Mn . J . C . WAJ,KER 's XI. J . L . Procter, 1 b w, b Rhodes . . . T . Dudley, b Lord .. .. J . T. Wisher, b Lord ... . .. F. Hillyard, b Lord . . J. Hicks, c Botterill, b Rhodes . . A. Milner, st Holmes, b Rhodes . . . L. E . Stevenson, b Sharpe G. Glaisby, run out G . F . Milner, 1 b w . b Lord J . C. Walker . b Lord H. Walker, not out Extras
55 0 .35 1 0 4 24 5 9 7 1 7
Tot el
P . E . Lord, not out 26 J . Sharpe, st Stevenson, b Wisker 1 If . W. Rhodes, c Hicks, b Wisker 6 II . Botterill, b Wicker 1 J. E . Noble . c A. Milner, b Walker 20 4 it, Crawshaw . run out . .. 0 F . R . Brandt, b Hillyard ( . . C . Waud, run out . . 2 W . Wilson, not out ... 0 W . Holmes, to bat .. J . Scarborough, to bat .. 5 Extras Total for 7 wkts . . .
.. .
ST . PETERS SCHOOL. Over Mdns . Runs Wkts.
Overs Mdns . Runs Wkts .
H . W. Rhodes . . 21 P . E . Lord . . 15 .3 J . Sharpe . . 8 J . E . Noble . . 4
5 1 1 0
51 53 25 13
3 5 1 0
J. L . Procter J . T . Wisker F . Hillyard . . . J . C . Walker
P. E . Lord and J . Sharpe, bowled a wide.
11 12 4 3
1 6 1 0
28 18 7 7
0 3 1 1
F. Iillyard bowled a wide.
v . LEEDS GRAMMAR SCHOOL. This match was played at Leeds on Saturday, June 21st, and resulted ill an easy victory for the home team, though had the catches which Thompson and Templar gave when they had only made one run been taken, the result might have been different. v . LEEDS GRAMMAR SCHOOL. F . D . Thompson . b Rhodes H. Davies, c Crawshaw, b Lord . . A . W. Thompson . st Holmes, b Rhodes 13 . A . Templer, b Lord G. H . Peacock, e Holmes, b Lord . . H . Boultbee, c Lord, b Rhodes T . Collins, not out W . Henderson . b Rhodes B . Eastwocd . run out T. H . Portwey, c and b Lord G. A. L . Pyper, c McClellan, b Lord Extras Total
. .
30 0 3 39 4 3 7 4 0
1 0 5 96
CRICKET . ST . PETER' S 1st Innings. P . E . Lord, b Eastwood 3 J. Sharpe, c Boultbee, b Eastwood 3 W. G . Wilson, run out . . . ... 10 H . McClellan, b Pyper . . 1 . . H . Botterill, b Pyper 0 H . W . Rhodes, 1 b w, b Eastwood 0 G. E . Noble, c Boultbee, b Eastwood 0 R. Crawshaw, c Thompson, b Pyper 3 . 0 W. Holmes, b Eastwood G . C . Waud, c Peacock, b Eastwood 3 G . Scarborough, not out 0 Extras . . 8 Total
.. .
SCHOOL. 2nd Innings. b Eastwood .. c Collins, b Pyper b Eastwood b Pyper .. b Pyper b Pyper .. run out . . . .. c A . Thompson, b Pyper not out . . .. b Pyper .. b Pyper Extras
BOWLING ANALYSIS. LEEDS GRAMMAR SCHOOL. Overs . Maidens . Runs. H . W . Rhodes . . 13 3 33 P . E . Lord . .. 10.4 1 39 H. McClellan . . . 1 0 8 0 J . Sharpe ... 2 10
Wickets. 4 5 0 0
ST . PETER'S SCHOOL. 1st Innings . 2nd Innings. Overs Madras . Runs Wkts . Overs Madns . Runs Wkts. G. A . L. Pyper 11 .3 4 13 3 G . A . L . Pyper I0 .4 3 15 7 11 4 6 B . Eastwood 11 4 24 2 B . Eastwood 10 Pyper bowled a wide.
v. OLD BOYS. Lord won the toss and went in with Sharpe. Dodsworth and Procter shared the bowling ; Lord scored a single off Dodsworth's first over, and Sharpe made a leg hit for 2 off the same bowler, who, however, soon caught and bowled Lord for 6 . Wilson followed, but soon lost Sharpe, who was bowled by Procter . McClellan joined Wilson, but only two more runs had been added when the latter ran himself out . Botterill followed and with McClellan took the score up to 31, when he was caught by Ware at point . Rhodes now joined McClellan and Dodsworth gave way to Ware, who bowled McClellan with a yorker for a well played 14 . Noble was the new corner, and no separation being effected, J . Wood took the ball from Ware, while Gray bowled vice Procter . At luncheon the score was 62, Rhodes not out 12, Noble not out 6 . Without any addition to the score, Noble was easily stumped, and Crawshaw followed, but was given out 1 . b . w. to Gray . Murray joined Rhodes and the score was taken to 73, when Rhodes was caught at the wicket for 17 . Holmes was the next man, but soon lost his partner who was bowled by Wood . Scarborough and Holmes took the score to 84, when Holmes. was easily caught .
Procter and Dodsworth began the innings of the Past while Rhodes and Murray shared the bowling . The score gradually rose to 23, when Lord went on vice Rhodes, the latter bowling instead of Murray . The change was effective, as Lord bowled Doilsworth in his first over. E . Gray followed, but with Procter took the score to 32 before he was bowled by Rhodes . J . R. Wood was the incomer, and no separation being effected, Murray went on instead of Lord . Wood and Procter still continued to hit freely, and McClellan took the ball from Murray. This had no effect and Lord went on again, Sharpe bowling instead of Rhodes . Wood then gave a chance to Lord off his own bowling which was not accepted, but with the score at 86, Wood was caught in the long field off Sharpe by Rhodes . Stevenson followed, but was caught at slip for O . Robinson took his place, and after hitting Sharpe out of the field for 4, was clean bowled in the same over . E . W . Clayforth joined Procter, but was bowled by Lord . Procter and Hodgson then hit Sharpe for 10 in one over, and he gave way to Rhodes who soon bowled Hodgson . Ware was soon run out for 0, and H . Clayforth bowled for a similar score . A. Wood hit Lord for 3, and Rhodes for 2, and then lost Procter, who was caught at slip by Lord for 51 . The out-goer went in first, and was out last . Ilk score included five 3's, ten 2's, and sixteen singles. Lord and Sharpe began the second innings of the Present, and made 45 before Lord was bowled by a << yorker " from Procter. Sharpe was caught with the score at 50, and at the same total McClellan was caught and bowled . Botterill made 2 and was bowled by Procter . Noble and Wilson took the score to 67, when the latter was taken at the wicket, ' and Rhodes was caught at leg for 5 . Crawshaw and Noble played out time, the score being SO for six wickets. Score : PRESENT.
1st Innings. P . E . Lord, c and b Dodsworth 6 . Sharpe, b Procter 2 J W. G . Wilson, run out 5 H . McClellan, b Ware 14 H . Botterill, c Ware, b Procter 11 It . W . Rhodes c Stevenson, b Gray 17 J . E . Noble, st Stevenson, b Wood R . Crawshaw, 1 b w . b Gray 3 \V . Murray, b Wood 4 W. Holmes, c Gray, b Wood 5 J . Scarborough, not out 3 Extras S Total . . . .SI
2nd Innings. b Procter c Wood . b Ware c Stevenson, b Procter .. c and b Ware b Procter . . .. c Dodsworth, b Wood .. not out . . . not out
Extras . .
19 26 4 0 2 5 12 0
Total for 6 wickets . . . . SJ
J . L . Proctor, c Lord, b Rhodes E . R. Dodsworth, b Lord . . E. Gray, b Rhodes J. R. Wood, c Rhodes, b Sharpe L . E . Stevenson, c Sharpe, b Lord . . F. Robinson, b Sharpe E. W . Clayforth,b Lord A . Hodgson, b Rhodes F. Ware, run out . . H . Clayforth, b Rhodes A . Wood, not ont . . . . Extras . .
51 9 9 20 0 4 0 6 0 0 5 15
Total . . . .119 BOWLING ANALYSIS. PRESENT. Ovel's . Maidens .
E. R . Dodsworth J . L. Procter .. F. Ware . .. E . Gray J . R . Wood
a 8 7
2 2 2 4 2
Runs . 20 24 6 15 11
2nd Innings . J . R . Wood . . .. . . 5 2 10 E . Gray 5 0 14 E. R . Dodsworth 3 0 14 J . L . Procter .. 9 2 16 F. Ware 7 2 12 Dodsworth and Gray bowled a wide.
H . W. Rhodes W . Murray . . P . E . Lord . .. H . McClellan J. Sharpe .. .
PAST. Ovens. 17 7
.. .
10 3 5
Maidens .
6 2 3 1 0
Rims. 37
20 21 10 21
1 2 1 2 3 1 0 0 3 2
Wickets. 4
0 3 0 2
[Acrisius was warned by the Pythian oracle, that, if Danae his daughter gave birth to a son, the child would kill his grandfather. Accordingly when Perseus was born, Acrisius cast him and his mother
Danae into a chest, and put them out to sea . Zeus caused the chest to land on the island of Seriphus .] She sat within the coffin-chest that lay A carven wonder on the restless deep ; And every fitful gust, each heaving sea Struck on her sinking heart, as bending low With streaming cheeks, she clasped her babe and moaned : " Thy mother's heart is sore, my child, but thou Dost sleep, sweet baby heart, nor sleeping fear'st The cruel steel that clamps our wooden tomb ." "No light to cheer the midnight gloom around thee, The salt sea foams above thy curly head, But sea and gloom alike are naught to thee." " Thou sleep'st, my pretty one, thy wee face peeping From out the purple robe in which I wrapped thee, The wild waves' roaming voices cannot wake thee ." " Sleep ! Did'st thou know my horror, thou would'st lift Thy tiny shell like ear to list—but sleep ! Sleep babe, sleep sea, and oh ! my long woe sleep !"
NOTES AND ITEMS. HE following 0 . P.'s figured in the Triposes : Classical, Douglas and Griffith in the second class : Mathematical, Senior optimes Chadwick, Collinson ; Junior optime, Eyre.
W. Y. Fausset has gained the Ellerton prize for a Theological Essay. R . M . Ainslie has been ordained deacon by the Bishop of Chester and licensed to Witton. W . W. Garwood, B .A ., has been ordained deacon by the Bishop of Rochester, and licensed to the curacy of St . Mary's, Battersea. W. Y . Fausset has taken his M .A . degree ; A . II. Griffith has taken his M .A . degree. W. Dowson, M .A ., M .B ., has passed his examination for the degree of Bachelor of Surgery .