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Exam Results and CAGS
from Peterite 2019-2020
by StPetersYork
The cancellation of exams in summer 2020 presented teachers and pupils with unforeseen challenges including the introduction of Centre Assessed Grades.
Our pupils should be exceptionally proud of everything they achieved in the 2019-2020 academic year, including their ability to respond to the challenges of remote learning. We were overwhelmed by their maturity, resilience and wholehearted commitment during what was an unusual academic year.
A special mention goes to our Upper Sixth pupils, who left St Peter’s without the usual end of year celebrations. As a year group, they fully embraced their time at school and we are delighted by everything they have contributed and achieved. They approached a difficult situation with energy and optimism, regarding challenges as an opportunity to develop valuable life skills and prepare for life after St Peter’s.
46% 2019, 46% of pupils achieved all 9-8 grades (A*) at GCSE
2020, 52% of pupils achieved all 9-8 grades (A*) at GCSE 52% GCSE Results In 2019, 46% of pupils achieved all 9-8 grades (A*) at GCSE with 98% awarded grades 9-4 (A*-C). In 2020, 52% of GCSE grades were 9-8, with almost every pupil achieving grades 9-4 in all subjects. Mr Walker, said: “I am incredibly proud of our Fifth Form pupils, my talented colleagues and grateful for the outstanding support of our parents. Their successes are fully deserved and we have a very strong year group progressing to Sixth Form, joined by talented new pupils from other schools in September.”
85% 2019, 85% of A Level and equivalent Pre-U examination awarded at A*–B
2020, 92% of A Level and equivalent Pre-U examination awarded at A*–B 92% A Level Results In 2019, 85% of A Level and equivalent Pre-U examinations at the school were awarded at A*–B. In 2020, 92% of A Levels were awarded at A*-B. Mr Walker, said: “I am so proud of this year’s Upper Sixth, not just for how they have responded in recent months but for all their fantastic achievements throughout their time at St Peter’s. There will be many happy memories of their contribution to school life in academics, music, sport and so much more.
“They are a very special group of young women and men and I am confident they will go on to great success in life and continue to be a vibrant part of the St Peter’s community.”