8-13 Newsletter: 1 July 2022

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No.18 1 July 2022

Summer Term

ST PETER’S 8-13 NEWSLETTER What a busy couple of weeks it has been! Thank you to everyone who came and supported Sports Day – it was so good to have everyone on campus after a long break, and with perfect weather. Ensuring that nearly 400 children all get to compete in at least one event and be in the right place at the right time takes some doing, so well done Mr Savage and his team – a fabulous day. Staying with House competitions, congratulations to Elmet on winning this year’s House chess competition. Congratulations to Alf, Rohan and Sam who played for the North East of England hockey team in the national finals at the weekend. It’s been quite a musical extravaganza this week, starting on Monday with an incredible music concert in the evening, which saw over half the school performing along the theme of a journey through Latin America. The concert was live-streamed so friends and relatives could watch it at home. On Tuesday and today the J1 probationer choristers had their first experience of singing at York Minster evensong with the rest of the Minster choir. A very proud moment for them and their families. On Wednesday evening, the senior school held a Duke Ellington jazz eucharist at York Minster. This involved the Minster choristers, the senior school choirs and choral society, along with a professional jazz band, soloists and tap dancer – all in front of a congregation of over 1,000 and the Archbishop of York. Quite the experience! The J3s got to hear a variety of Tudor instruments as part of a project in history. Our J1 pupils performed in a concert for their parents on Wednesday afternoon, showing the skills they have learnt in their class music lessons on a huge variety of string, brass, woodwind and percussion instruments, as well as some solo performances. Finally with music, J3 pupil Isla has now raised £532 from the download earnings from the song she wrote for the Ukraine. We are so proud of her and very grateful to all those who bought the song.

Our Seven Key Values are Friendship, Trust, Wisdom, Compassion, Endurance, Humility, Hope Collaboration and Empathy... We had our first 8-13 eucharist service in Chapel this week. The Rev Allen Hughes, who used to be our school chaplain until he left in 2005, returned on the very date he was consecrated as a vicar in the school chapel many moons ago! As you read this, all of the J5s are away on a residential trip until Sunday evening, with J2 and J3 having had a fun day out at Lightwater Valley. Next week sees J1 head to The Deep for the day and J4 going to the North Yorkshire Water Park. Thank You to Mrs Jones for organising all of these trips behind the scenes and to all the staff - especially those who are going on the residential. Our J5 pupils are now less than a week from finishing their time at St Peter’s 8-13. They have their residential, a day at Go-Ape, Leavers’ dinner and Ceilidh, Leavers’ service and then Speech Day and Prize Giving, all within these final seven days. Their Enterprise project is also reaching a conclusion – they have produced designs, put them onto a variety of products, made a TV and a radio commercial, produced a website and newsletter item and have their Enterprise fair next week to sell their products to parents. You should have received an email about this today. You can see a flavour of what will be on offer in the attachment. Andy Falconer Head

Our amazing J1s performed their drama production to the rest of the school yesterday, ahead of today and tomorrow’s performances to family. They have worked so hard, and I know Mrs Spencer is proud of them. My thanks to her and all the other staff involved in pulling it together. Last week was our Diversity Week, where the children spent time in Form and PSHE lessons discussing different aspects of diversity. There were also pupil-led activities and competitions and my thanks to the pupil group, facilitated by Mrs Lees, who were a real driving force behind the week. St Peter’s 8-13, York, YO30 7WA www.stpetersyork.org.uk Registered Charity Number: 1141329

Social Media Instagram: @stpeters8_13 Facebook: stpetersschoolyork8.13

Twitter: @stpeters8_13 @stp8_13library @stp8_13sport

@stp8_13music @stp8_13computes @stpyorkboarding

St Peter’s 8-13 Learning Habits Collaboration, Creativity, Curiosity, Embracing Challenge, Empathy, Flexible Thinking, Initiative, Perseverance

St Peter’s 8-13 Newsletter

Summer Term 2022

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Junior Art Club

Junior Duke Awards

The Junior Art Club have created three canvas paintings for Mrs Craven’s music room wall this term! A real success. They will be placed side by side. The pupils involved were: Emma A, Abby G, Isla H, Georgina D, Thea H, Sofia M, Sacha M, Darcey H, Srija P, Xanthe R, Ella S-J, Lily B and Emily C.

The end of the term is seeing more and more Junior Duke awards being presented. Hettie in J3 is now the first pupil at St Peter's to have received her platinum award, while Esme in J1 has complete silver and Ethan in J2 has secured his gold award. We are confident in the last week of term we will see a few more pupils make it over the finish line and gain their award before the holidays!

J3 Tudor Music Workshop The J3 forms enjoyed workshops this week on Tudor Music, building on the work we have been doing on the Tudor Court and English connections with the rest of the world at this time. We were so lucky to get the expertise and beautiful playing of three early music specialists led by Mr Bayley: we heard an impressive range of instruments including the hurdy-gurdy, crumhorn, sackbut, curtal, a wooden flute, a Renaissance fiddle, and several different bagpipes (which we learned did not originate in Scotland!) From hunting tunes to dancing jigs and a piece that really was composed by Henry VIII, it was an amazing auditory and visual experience which brought alive the Tudor world.

Nearly New Uniform Shop: Important Changes The Sale Of Items The system under which items of uniform are sold in the Nearly New Uniform Shop (NNUS) is changing. From the beginning of September 2022 all items sold through the NNUS will be sold on a donation basis only. All proceeds of sale will be divided up equally and given to the charities supported by each of STP 2-8, 8-13 and 13-18. Items currently for sale in the shop (including those which are not donations) will be sold on this basis from the beginning of September onwards. If you have any items in the shop which you want to retrieve and sell privately please contact Jenny Black (jenny.black@btopenworld.com) to arrange collection. A final pay-out to sellers for items sold between the date of the last pay-out and the beginning of September will be processed during the first half of next term. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED – We are looking for volunteers who are able to give up a couple of hours a term to help in the shop. If you are interested in helping, please contact Jenny Black.

St Peter’s 8-13 Newsletter

Summer Term 2022

J5 Enterprise Products - A Selection

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