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As we all look forward to the half term break it’s wonderful to reflect on the last seven weeks at school and the many achievements of the children. There are too many highlights to mention them all here, but our weekly newsletters provide a glimpse into the wealth and breadth of learning which has taken place. Some particular golden moments for me have been the children in Nursery collaborating to produce a stunning Autumn artwork that is displayed in the entrance of Nursery; Reception’s blackberry dying and autumn leaf threading at Forest School; Year 1's informative polar bear facts files; the use of water colour in Year 2 to produce artwork inspired by Heni Rousseau; Year 3’s inquisitive approach to their science exploration around the topic of light and shadow. A personal highlight was joining our Junior Dukes for their car washing activity. A big thank you to Mrs Ferguson and Mrs Salisbury who introduced and have run Junior Dukes which has been very popular and will be extended to other year groups in the future.
As I mentioned at Parent Information Evenings, much of the work of a school goes unseen and that which is visible is just the tip of the iceberg. We have been busy working on the priorities in our school improvement plan including screening all children in Nursery and Reception using the WellComm speech and language tool, focusing on the teaching of mental Mathematics and rolling out Zones of Regulation to enable children to manage emotions and be ready to learn and thrive. Just this week staff have completed half termly assessments for Mathematics and English to inform teaching and learning for the next half of term.
One priority that the children have led on is DEI. I explained at the Parent Information Evenings that following a concern raised by some pupils about inequity at playtimes we decided to launch an improvement project with pupil voice at the heart of it. I’m pleased to tell you that after detailed input into the planning phase by School Council, our House Captains and Year 3 we are now ready to launch the plan and implement it after half term. The launch will take place in our assembly on Monday 4th November and then the School Council and House Captains will be reevaluating the success of the plan and making any changes needed. There has been so much unplanned and incidental learning that has taken place along the way. The children have learned to express their views and listen to the views of others even if they disagree, they’ve understood the value of careful planning, sticking to a budget when purchasing resources and considered what the barriers to success might be when putting together the timetable of activities. Learning with relevance, purpose and outcomes are powerful and empowering the children to effect change and care about fundamental societal issues such as diversity, equity and inclusion will enable them to be the custodians of the future of the planet.
I am so proud of each and every one of the children for all of their hard work over the first half of term and for the joy they bring to St Peter’s 2-8 every day.
I hope that you all have a fabulous half term, and the children return ready and refreshed ready to be learning superheroes!
With best wishes,