The Peterite 2010-2011

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supportive parent body. The spectacular flowers on show today were arranged by parents. Thank you. The inspection report rightly found Governance at the school to be excellent. I would like to thank Nick Shepherd, Chairman of Governors, for his unerring support and wise advice. The Chairman is supported by two excellent Vice-Chairmen and a fantastic Board, who are generous with their time and expertise. The inspection team threw down some challenges. We have

And amongst this excellent year group, I must single out our Head Boy, Ben France, and Head Girl, Polly Fairbank - they have been great ambassadors and advisors. They have answered every question asked of them; they are tremendous examples of what the school stands for and I thank them for all they have done. The monitor

taking exams. With this in mind we have formed an academic discussion and policy group, named after a legendary St Peter's teacher of the 19th century, Mr George Yeld. The Yeld Group will spear-head academic innovation and improvement.


really is a vintage year by all accounts.

been working hard on creative teaching methods, a spirit of adventure and enquiry, a love of learning, as well as proficiency in


been superb too - this

Commemoration is about honouring and sharing our vision - it's about looking back



forward; a day for the

As the Chairman remarked, our wide-ranging whole school

rear-view mirror and

consultation this year, has generated a new clarity about our

for the road ahead.

values and aims. We feel confident that we have captured the

And, if


essence of St Peter's and set it in a fresh and forward-looking way.



This is a vision founded on the sure rock of the school's traditional

kindly forgive the pun

Christian ethos, and looking to a future of openness and invention.

- it's about motion.

We will be launching the Three Schools new aims in September.


guest will


said: "Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving". Schools are, by their very nature, always in motion - new pupils arrive and staff come and go, new questions are asked; new answers found. Our motto, Super Antiques Vias, 'over ancient ways', has motion implicit in it. This is a moving school, a school that is about balance - about encouraging our pupils to grow in mind, body and spirit, to be rounded. And, of course, our school is a place of preparation, a place where questions are asked and answers sought. In his first letter, St Peter, our patron, exhorts us to get ready, The Upper Sixth who leave us today embody so many of these values - friendship, compassion and care for others, trust, roundedness, work ethic, humility and hope. You become Old Peterites today - and, from the various dinners and events I've enjoyed attending this year, many of these in the good company of the

to be prepared. Peter writes: "Therefore, prepare your minds for action".

Prepare your minds for action. As we commemorate

today the values of our school, and all the endeavours, achievements and friendships of Peterites down the years, I really hope that our Leavers feel prepared to act.

President and Secretary of the OP Club, I believe you are joining a

To our Leavers, we say farewell. We thank you for all you've

very fine club indeed. Those following behind you in the years

given to this school. We are grateful. We wish you a life of

below can look up to a year group that has been true to the values

learning and friendship. Keep asking questions. And don't lose

of the school - hard-working, honest and great companions to one


another, as was strongly evident at the excellent Leavers' Ball last week.

The Peterite 2010-2011


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