News, Events & Activities
CCF The Contingent continues to go from strength to strength and looks very healthy indeed with 150 pupils involved. This, coupled with an excellent training team has allowed us to reach our maximum potential as a Contingent. Interest again in the Contingent has meant we have had to continue with another training afternoon to accommodate the cadets. The cadets have taken part in various competitions and activities in the past year and thoroughly enjoyed the experience of competing against other schools in the Brigade. Although we came away without any silverware the enthusiasm and determination to progress was evident. 2011 brought new challenges to both the Training Team and
However, like any other organisation we have to say farewell
the cadets. This has been mainly due to the introduction of the
to a number of our senior cadets who are leaving for pastures new.
new weapon system. Training and qualifying the cadets to use the
Our good wishes go with Olivia Diggory, Tom Whitaker, Tim
new rifle has been both interesting and challenging. There has
Darmody, Josh Burley, Tom Fynn, Freddie Gabbertas, Freddie
been a huge improvement to the shooting skills of the cadets
Proctor, Callum Hernaman, Ellys Lockitt, Vincent Nadin, Daisy
which have been evident with the results that have been achieved. The highlight for the cadet's training year is Annual Camp.
Noble and Alex Ward. We wish them well in their future endeavours as they have all left their mark on the Contingent.
This year we were lucky enough to visit Cyprus and train in a
Finally my thanks must go to the training team. Cath
different climate and make full use of the island's facilities. Our
Hempsall, Lorraine Underwood, Libby Ullstein, Paul Hynard and
thanks go to the RAF hosts who sponsored us at RAF Akrotiri.
Shaun Price.
The RAF Section has progressed quite nicely due to the commitment of the cadets and the staff. This has been evident in
They work very hard to make sure the cadets enjoy their training.
the amount of Air Experience Flying and Gliding that the cadets have undertaken in the past year. Eleven RAF cadets went to camp this year which was held at RAF Leuchers and all came back with warm stories and experiencies.
S. Howman Major Contingent Commander.