3 25 with some experience of the corps, and a miscellaneous selection of N.C.O.s, hardly require emphasis. More attention might be given to the fact that the O.T.C. exists to train potential officers, not potential privates. For the present, the training of platoons has been left entirely in the hands of platoon commanders; it is too early to judge the system, but it has the merit that the instructor knows something about the people he is instructing, if little about his subject. The following were successful in the Cert. A. examinations last November :—J. M. Atkinson, J. B. Deas, G. Douglas, A. V. Mackintosh, R. Ogley, F. P. Sedman, J. E. Smart, W. Toulmin, R. P. Warin, J. Whalley. A list of those holding full rank is given below. Platoon Commanders
J. N. Emery. F. A. C. Harrop. R. C. Barrass.
Platoon Sergeants
Lance Corporals -
N. W. D. Yardley. I). G. Lupton. C. H. Perry. W. Hardacre. N. W. Smithson. W. Toulmin. R. Ogley. C. Douglas.
T. E. Smart. J. M. Atkinson.
J. Whalley. F. P. Sedman.
J. B. Deas. A. V. Macintosh. R. P. Warin.
/Library. Head Librarian—Rev. F. H. Barnby. Librarians— E. A. Harrop, W. Toulmin, D. Lupton, J. Whalley, J. M. Atkinson. The following books have been added to the Library 1 his term :—