2 minute read
from April 1933
by StPetersYork
with some experience of the corps, and a miscellaneous selection of N.C.O.s, hardly require emphasis. More attention might be given to the fact that the O.T.C. exists to train potential officers, not potential privates.
For the present, the training of platoons has been left entirely in the hands of platoon commanders; it is too early to judge the system, but it has the merit that the instructor knows something about the people he is instructing, if little about his subject.
The following were successful in the Cert. A. examinations last November :—J. M. Atkinson, J. B. Deas, G. Douglas, A. V. Mackintosh, R. Ogley, F. P. Sedman, J. E. Smart, W. Toulmin, R. P. Warin, J. Whalley.
A list of those holding full rank is given below.
Platoon Commanders—J. N. Emery. F. A. C. Harrop. R. C. Barrass.
Platoon Sergeants— N. W. D. Yardley. I). G. Lupton.
Corporals— C. H. Perry. W. Hardacre. N. W. Smithson.
Lance -Corporals—W. Toulmin. R. Ogley. C. Douglas. T. E. Smart.
J. M. Atkinson. J. Whalley. F. P. Sedman. J. B. Deas. A. V. Macintosh. R. P. Warin.
Head Librarian—Rev. F. H. Barnby. Librarians— E. A. Harrop, W. Toulmin, D. Lupton, J. Whalley, J. M. Atkinson.
The following books have been added to the Library 1 his term :—
A.1382.—The Mummy Case.—Morrak. B.IV. 21a.—Rugger Stories.—Marshall. C. VIII. 7a.—Short Life of Shakespeare.—Sir E. K. Chambers and C. Williams.
D.I. 24.—Modern Geography.—Newbigin. G.VI. 22.—Culture and Environment.—Leaves and Thompson. H.I. 9.—Textbook of Stagecraft.—Richmond.
The following books have been presented to the Library by the Rev. Canon Wilcox, in memory of the late R. Loy Wilcox, O.P.
B.V. 22-22g.—Transactions of the East Riding Antiquarian Society ; Vols. 13-19. 23-23c.--York : George Benson, I. Origin to end of 11th century (two copies). York : George Benson, II. 1100-1603. York : George Benson, I•. Reformation to 1925. 24, 24a.—The New Guide to York (1838) (two copies). 25.—York 'in English History—Brockbank and Holmes. 26.----Records of York Castle—Twyford and Griffiths. 27.—History of York Castle—Cooper. 28.—York : The Story of its Walls and Castles— Cooper. 29-29b.--Picturesque History of Yorkshire (3 vols.)— J. S. Fletcher. 30.—A Book about Yorkshire—J. S. Fletcher. 31.—Memorials of Old Yorkshire—Ed. T. M. Fallow. 32.—The Lost Towns of the Yorkshire Coast— Sheppard. 33.—The Yorkshire Coast and Cleveland Hills and Dales—Leyland. 34.--Picturesque Yorkshire (York and North Riding)— Andrews.

35.—Memorials of Old Whitby—Atkinson. 36.—Forty Years in a Moorland Parish—Atkinson. 37, 37a.—Yorkshire Anecdotes (two series)—Taylor.
" THE MUMMY CASE."—by Dermot Morrak. Dermot Morrak strikes out on an original theme in this intriguing story of university life. The yarn describes how a 'varsity don, who is a keen Egyptologist, is discovered dead in his study after a fire. At first it is not considered unusual, but the suspicions of two dons become aroused, and they endeavour to discover the real cause of the death. The scene changes to the Isle of Wight, where they run their quarry to earth after numerous exciting episodes including an adventure in the home of a rival of the deceased.