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E be junior %thool. In many ways the Christmas term seems to be the one when there is the least news to write about—or so it seems when the Editors of the Pet erite ask for our news. And yet the Christmas term does not seem to " drag," in fact it seems to " fly." Anyway, the term in now practically over, and we can say that, on the whole, we have worked well, we have played quite well, and most of us have enjoyed good health. The " piece-de-resistance " of our Christmas term, is of course, the annual Gymnastic Display, and the French Play. This year we think almost a record number of parents and visitors came to see what we had to show them. Sergt.-Major Puddick had practised us in a number of exercises which we had not learnt in previous years, and all the forms went through the various exercises without any The French Play, specially written and designed for us by Miss Toyne, was a great success and we very much enjoyed doing it. We feel that it is something of an honour that we have been asked to present the play again one Saturday evening for the benefit of the Senior School. After all this excitement we are in the middle of school examinations and then we look forward to seeing the School Play which is to be a very thrilling one, and after that we BREAK UP 1 GYMNASTIC DISPLAY. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6th, 1933. PROGRAMME. 1. Songs. (a) " Gossip Jones " (b) " The Bay of Biscay "....Forms J.III, IV, V, VI. 2. Drill Forms J.I and J.II. 3. Drill Forms J.III. 1. Songs. (a) " The Frog "....Forms J.I, J.II and J.III. (b) " Jig Jog." 5. Drill Form J.IV. 6. Recitations Boys from J.I, J.II and J.III. '7. Drill Forms J.V and J.VI. 8. Recitations Boys from J.I J.II and j 'D. A short play in French—" Je Suis 1-‘11e au Marche." " GOD SAVE THE KING." ...