No.10 28 January 2022
Easter Term
ST PETER’S 8-13 NEWSLETTER It has been a busy week with entrance assessment days on Monday and Thursday for September 2022 places, 13+ music scholarship exams for St Peter’s 13-18, final rehearsals for the J5 Shakespeare Schools Festival, J3 parents’ meetings and fixtures a plenty. Mrs Sayles took assembly this morning and talked to us about yesterday’s Holocaust Memorial Day. She has run educational visits for school pupils from across the UK to some of the former concentration camps, and was able to draw on her experience of having spoken with survivors. She also reminded us of the fact that acts of genocide did not stop with the end of World War 2. Congratulations to our team of J5 scientists who took part in the Institute of Engineering and Technology’s Faraday Challenge. This was kindly hosted by Ampleforth College and our team came away as eventual winners. We had 34 pupils from J3, J4 and J5 take part in the United Kingdom Mathematics Trust special 25th Anniversary Challenge. This national competition was an online, 45-minute, multiple -choice challenge. It encouraged mathematical reasoning, precision of thought, and fluency in using basic mathematical techniques to solve interesting problems. The problems on the 25th Anniversary Challenge are designed to make pupils think. The idea as always with these national maths competitions is to promote a love of problem solving, and this special challenge celebrates 25 years of the UKMT. Our children had the opportunity to try a modern take on haggis, neeps and tatties on Burn’s Night this week. The catering team produced mini layers of potato and haggis, served with a swede puree and scream sauce, so that everyone could try it out if they wished to. There was also vegetable Scotch broth available as well. One Scotsman was definitely a happy man! St Peter’s 8-13, York, YO30 7WA Registered Charity Number: 1141329
Social Media Instagram: @stpeters8_13 Facebook: stpetersschoolyork8.13
Our Seven Key Values are Friendship, Trust, Wisdom, Compassion, Endurance, Humility, Hope Collaboration and Empathy... You can now view a new virtual tour of our campus on the school website ( I can’t guarantee that the spaces that are showcased look quite as tidy today as they did in the holidays when the photographs were taken, but it does remind us all how fortunate we are with many of our spaces.
Our J5 cast will be performing an abridged version of The Tempest on Tuesday evening at Leeds Playhouse, as part of the Shakespeare Schools Festival. This is an incredible opportunity for them and they have been working so hard with Ms Veasey to ensure that they’re ready for the curtain to go up next week. Due to the current rate of COVID-19 cases amongst pupils and staff we ask that all pupils from J4 upwards and all adults continue to wear face coverings in communal areas. We hope that this will prevent any further spread of the virus and the disruption this causes. We will continue to monitor infection rates and will let you know when the situation changes. If your child has symptoms of COVID-19 and/or a positive test result, please follow the self-isolation guidelines in the table below. Please could children in J4 and above continue to test twice-weekly. Andy Falconer Head Twitter: @andyfalconer Instagram: @andyfalconer_
St Peter’s 8-13 Learning Habits Collaboration, Creativity, Curiosity, Embracing Challenge, Empathy, Flexible Thinking, Initiative, Perseverance
Easter Term 2022 2 2
St Peter’s 8-13 Newsletter
Hair A reminder of our policy on hair styles as laid out in the Parent Handbook: “Boys’ hair should be off the collar and eye brows, above the ears, and business smart neat (not shaved round the sides). Hair must be their natural colour (i.e., not dyed or highlighted), have no shaved patterns and the use of hair products is not permitted. Girls’ hair if touching the shoulders or longer should be tied back neatly with a plain navy blue, black or brown band/bobble only. Hair slides should be navy blue, black or brown only. Hair should remain neatly tied back when in uniform e.g., when leaving school. Hair must be their natural colour (i.e., not dyed or highlighted) and the use of hair products is not permitted.”
Mobile Phones Please would you remember that pupils are not to use their mobile phones during the day unless they are given permission by a member of staff. If you need to get a message to your child during the day, please call the office, rather than send a text message. Please also remind your children not to call you during the day to say they are not well; they should go to see Mrs Falconer in the Health Centre and she will call if it is necessary.
Faraday Challenge at Ampleforth College On Wednesday 19 January six J5 students participated in the Faraday Challenge at Ampleforth College.
The Institution of Engineering and Technology Faraday Challenge Days give students the opportunity to research, design and make prototype solutions to genuinely tough engineering problems. They enable young students to experience working as an engineer for a day and show young people the benefits of careers within Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). Our students thoroughly enjoyed applying their physics and DT knowledge to their problem-solving tasks and enthusiastically pitched their prototype while adhering to the success criteria. They impressed the judge and shocked themselves by winning the task! Well done to Clara, Will, Ben, Amber Lizzy and Chris; you made Ms. Green-Harding very proud!