G. E. Shepherd has been appointed Captain of Boats for next term. R. S. Dixon has been appointed Hon. Secretary of Shooting for next term.
WINTER TERM, 1878. Many of us have looked with both awe and mystification at the programmes which appear each year for the Christmas play. We have glanced, perhaps casually, at the list of plays previously performed by the St. Peter's Players, and we have been smitten (yes, smitten is the right word) with that formidable eye- and mouthful, " Chrononhotonthologos." We have wondered when this play was performed, what it was all about, and who acted in this piece—with so impossible a name—" Chrononhotonthologos," indeed ! Well, at last we have tracked it down. Having recently been presented with some old School theatrical programmes, we discover, to our disappointment, that it was a mere savoury or after-course which closed the entertainment after " Twelfth Night," the main dish of the evening; they seemed to go in for long programmes in those days, or perhaps the York audiences demanded more for their money. We give below the cast of both plays as they were performed here on Monday, December 16th, and Tuesday, December 17th, 1878. Perhaps it will solve the mystery of that name " Chrononhotonthologos " for some of us, and be of interest to others who remember the School in those days, or who, indeed, acted in it. ROYAL SCHOOL OF ST. PETER, YORK. AMATEUR DRAMATIC CLUB. The above Club will give an ENTERTAINMENT on the nights of Monday, December 16th, and Tuesday, December 17th, 1878. President: Rev. H. M. STEPHENSON. Committee : J. H. DANIEL, S. J. J. S. LE MAISTRE, H. WALKER. Honorary Secretary: G. H. WADE. Treasurer: W. H. JACKSON. 25