MAY, 1938
No. 288
EDITORIAL. The most extraordinary aspect of last term was the weather, which for once was really good. We have been accustomed in the Editorials for the Easter Term to tell tales of rain, sleet, snow and gales. Such was not the case last term, for we experienced Summer-like weather throughout, and it was this as much as anything else which made the term so enjoyable. The term ended with a flourish, in the form of the School Sports, at which we were pleased to see a large number of parents and friends. More improvements are bei4 made in the School grounds, the bank on the North touchline of the 1st XV Rugger field being partly removed to enlarge the pitch. Two tennis courts are also being constructed in the grounds of Albany House. Last term we said goodbye to Mr. H. M. Pollard, who, after a stay of two terms with us, is returning to Wadham College, Oxford, to complete his Diploma in Education. We wish him every success, and express the hope that he will visit us again in the future. There were also two additions to the staff, Mr. D. K. Crews taking up the post of Biology Master and Miss M. D. Hall succeeding Miss D. Turner as Art Mistress. We hope they will have a long and prosperous stay with us. To turn to the School's sporting activities. The Hockey XI has had a successful season, some very fine form being shown, notably against Leeds University, whom we defeated 3-2 on their own ground, and Leeds Corinthians, who were defeated 6-1. Amazing to relate, no Hockey matches were cancelled owing to the state of the ground. An almost unprecedented occurrence. Unfortunately, once again Worksop had to cancel their fixture with us, owing to infection at Worksop. The team ended the season with five wins, four losses and two draws to their credit. Last term a Boxing match was arranged with Newcastle, Royal Grammar School, which was held in the School Gymnasium on March 24th. The result was a win for Newcastle by six bouts to five. With two exceptions all the bouts were very evenly contested, the School winning most of the heavier weights. 1