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Cambridge Letter
from Sept 1938
by StPetersYork
were held. The result was another victory for Clifton Rise. As a finale Mr. Rhodes' diving squad gave a display, but this year were not quite so successful at drowning the spectators. Throughout the day there were several displays of interest to be seen, art display in the art room, a display of • maps, etc., in the Geography room and a model railway in the Hobby room.
The Chapel was tastefully decorated with flowers. Holy Communion was celebrated at 8 a.m., and the Commemoration Service was held at 11 a.m. The Sermon was by the Very Rev. the Dean of York, and the collection was in aid of the Scholarship Fund for the sons of Clergy. The Hymns sung were " Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven," " Immortal, Invisible, God only wise," and " For all the Saints who from their labours rest."
Cambridge, August, 1938.
To the Editors of " The Peterite." Dear Sirs,
This last May term Cambridge has had its fair share of good weather, and was only spoilt by the thoughts of Trips and work; though for most the former materialised without the latter. We wish that the cricket match with Oxford could have been completed to the finish it deserved. It was with regret that we learned of the retirement of Adams and Roberts, and we would' like to take this opportunity of giving them our thanks and good wishes for the future. It is certain that the School will not feel the same to us when we return to it without them.
H. E. T. Summers (Queen's) says that during last term he has been working at a lot of pointless things, and he could occasionally be seen playing squash. He has now departed from Cambridge into the wide world, and we wish him luck.
N. W. D. Yardley (John's), came up for last term, as far as we can find out, just to play cricket, which he did with success ; we congratulate him on the honour of being reserve for England against Australia. 5