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House Notes
from Sept 1938
by StPetersYork
We tender our congratulations to Temple House on winning the Oxford Cup for the first time in their existence.
However, we have started the new year well by beating Temple House in the final of the Cricket Cup after a very exciting and hard-fought game.
As a contrast we must add that we have had the captains of all major School games residing in the House this year.
We must congratulate•R. N. Rimmer and H. A. Milburn on being awarded their 1st XI Colours, F. N. Buckler, J. P. Pulleyn, E. Hodgson on being awarded their 2nd XI Colours, and G. E. Shepherd on being awarded his Shooting Colours.
J. H. T. Hunter won the Hobbys Cup with a magnificent model of a galleon. This is the first year of the competition. H. D. Revill and R. Earle tied for second place.
We are sorry that Miss Gilpin is leaving us at the end of this term, and we wish her every success in the future.
First we should like to tender our heartiest congratulations to Mr. Corkill on his marriage, which took place during the Summer holidays, and welcome Mrs. Corkill to the Rise.
We must bid adieu to our matron, Miss Mason, who is leaving us to take up a position as mistress at St. Olave's. We wish her the best of luck at her new post, and express the hope that she will visit us frequently in the future. We welcome Miss Johnson, who comes to us from Terrington Hall.
The end of term brought a great deal of battering and noise to the Rise, for the Senior and Junior Middle Comnion Rooms were fitted with new lockers. During the holidays the rooms were also re-decorated.
In the Inter-House events we lost the Fernie Cup, having won it for the last three years, to Temple House, but retained the Kazerooni Cup for Swimming, mainly due to the fine performance of S. H. Butler.
We congratulate the following: T. F. Cameron on being awarded his School Cricket Colours ; C. M. Robson on being awarded his School Rowing Colours ; P. B. Cockburn, M. S. Douglas, and G. C. Brown on being awarded their 2nd XI Colours.