Sept 1938

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No. 289

EDITORIAL. Once again we come to the beginning of another school year, and as we look back upon the year which has just passed we cannot help realising how, in that year, the School has progressed and expanded. All the houses have been redecorated, and, to some extent, refitted, and the need for more boarding houses is becoming increasingly apparent. We are pleased to see that under the go-ahead policy which the Governors have adopted this need is to be dealt with. A plan for a new pavilion has been posted, and a very imposing pavilion it will be, including, as it does, a dininghall and a School shop, in which School clothes will be sold. The improvements to the 1st XV Rugger pitch were completed last term, and with the grass having been cut frequently the pitch is in excellent trim. Last term we said good-bye to Mr. J. H. Stevenson, Mr. F. H. Roberts and Mr. T. Adams. Mr. Stevenson, who is leaving us to take up a post at Ellesmere College, has for the past six years coached the rugger team. We should like to express our thanks for the services he has rendered the School in that and many other ways. Messrs. Roberts and Adams will, of course, be remembered by practically all Old Peterites, having served the School for nearly a quarter of a century. The former has been entirely responsible for, the present cricket square, for when he came it was non-existent, whilst the latter has rendered valuable service as head porter. We wish them both the very best of luck and happiness in the future. We extend a hearty welcome to Mr. Harding, Mr. Bendall and Mr. Jeffs. Mr. Harding, who suceeds Mr. Stevenson as coach to the 1st XV, is an Oxford Rugby Blue. His position is centre three-quarter, and his coaching should do much to improve the standard of three-quarter play which last season was the chief weakness of the 1st XV. Mr. Harding, having taken a course in the new Swedish drill, will also take gymnasium. Mr. Bendall who comes from St. Bees School is also a rugger coach, having coached the St. Bees XV for the last eleven years, and, judging by the standard of rugby St. Bees has produced, he also should do 1

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