The VIII had one match this term against the Depot, which was won by 17 points. St. Peter's. Depot. R. S. Dixon 65 Sgt. Storey 57 J. A. Wright 75 Sgt. Ryder 72 G. E. Shepherd 71 Sgt. Purvis 79 F. W. Whitney 67 Sgt. Fulscher 73 R. Bower Pte. Nichols 69 56 R. W. Wright 66 Pte. Stevens 61 J. M. Inglis 65 Pte. Duxberry 66 M. I. H. Sproulle 71 Pte. Dodds 68 549
FOOTBALL FIXTURES, 1938. 1st XV. Oct. 1. Catterick Garrison 8. York and Lancaster Regiment PI „ 15. Durham School „ 19. K.O.Y.L.I. „ 26. Denstone College „ 29. Headingly "A" Nov. 5. Giggleswick School „ 12. York 19. Mount St. Mary's College „ 24. Trent College „ 26. Worksop College Dec. 3. Ampleforth College „ 7. Yorkshire Wanderers „ 10. Leeds Grammar School „ 19. Old Peterites
2nd XV. Oct. 15. York "B" „ 19. Drax Grammar School 1st XV Nov. 5. Giggleswick School 2nd XV „ 16. Drax Grammar School 1st XV „ 19. York "B" „ 23. Ripon Grammar School 1st XV „ 26. Worksop College 2nd XV Dec. 3. Ampleforth College 2nd XV „ 10. Leeds Grammar School 2nd XV COLTS XV. Oct. 22. Worksop College Nov. 2. Ampleforth „ 12. Giggleswick 68
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