No. 292
EDITORIAL. The Summer term ended with a Commemoration weekend which was an unqualified success. The prizes were presented by Mr. Frank Pick, Deputy Chairman of the London Passenger Transport Board, whose long range reminiscences of St. Peter's were both entertaining and instructive. He left with us the impression that school life has changed for the better in the last forty years. At the same ceremony, Mr. E. M. Jenkin Jones presented to J. T. Brockbank four photographs as a memento of the naming of the London and North Eastern Railway engine after the School. In June the annual O.T.C. inspection took place. The inspecting officer, Field-Marshal Sir Cyril Deverell, was well satisfied that the corps was fulfilling its duty. This year there was no camp for School O.T.C.s, but in place of this some training was done at Worksop in conjunction with Worksop College, Repton and King Edward's School, Birmingham. At the end of the term we said good-bye to Mr. F. H. Barnby, who was retiring after spending twenty-six years at the School. Mr. Barnby is a great scholar, but he did not allow his learning to isolate him from those of lesser gifts ; he made contact over a wide range with boys of all kinds, and his genius was such that he was able to exhibit the same nicety of judgment whatever the subject, whether it was a matter of Greek hexameters or the management of the Eccentric's bowling. The references concerning Mr. Barnby in the Headmaster's annual report and the prolonged applause which followed them show the extent to which his work was appreciated. We welcome the Rev. P. P. Noble Fawcett and Mr. Burgess, who are joining the staff in September. Cricket and Boating we will place, together with the weather, in a very mixed paragraph. The first eleven was capable of rising to great heights, but at awkward moments the batting would collapse and spoil everything. The first and second crews easily beat Leeds University and Nottingham High School early in the term, but at regattas, heavier 1