April 1940

Page 33

and are used to duplicate the uneven stream bed. The gravel from the stream is sent down the sluice boxes in conjunction with water and the heavy gold sinks to the bottom and is caught by the riffle bars. This is done many times to get all the gold from the gravel. As may be seen this is a somewhat crude method and the stream has to be very rich to render it into " pay-dirt." It takes many centuries of erosion to put the gold into the river bed, but in past years the cream of the gold has been skimmed in such places as the Klondyke and California. So for many years the major part of the world's gold will be brought from mines proper. N. A. Chudleigh, Form V.

ENGLISH AND GERMAN EDUCATION, AS SEEN BY AN AUSTRIAN. In every paper we open we find long articles about coming air bombardments, the destruction of London by the air, freezing gas and other horrors. Many believe that Germany possesses special bombs filled with germs and bacilli. If this is so there is no doubt that Hitler will employ them. But in none of these papers is the slightest doubt expressed that England will win this war. Why? Because neither bombs nor aeroplanes will decide this war, but the spirit of the population. If we have the will to see it through, we will do so, and if we see it through the victory is ours. In 1918 the German army ceased fighting because the men wanted to see their wives and children, because the men could not any longer bear the thought that their wives and children were starving. So you see, we boys may be a deciding factor in this war. If we do our part in it, it will be to the advantage of the mother country, and if we make life easier for our fathers on the front they will see it through more easily than otherwise. The same thing applies also to the German youth, and therefore we have a spiritual war of our own with them, we have to show that our spirit is better than that of the German youth, and that the English principle of education—to make a gentleman and a sportsman out of a boy—triumphs over the German principle —to make a soldier and a (brainless) follower of the Fiihrer. On the first glance you might think that the Germans are better trained for the present situation than we are. We must now try to show that this is not true. At about the age of 12 or 13 at the latest the German boy is put into a uniform, learns songs about the invincibility of the German army, their right to be masters of 31

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