this as well as the Germans do. Therefore the Germans try to educate the youth in such a way that they will never doubt anything the Ftihrer says ; for this reason the R.A.F. drops pamphlets in order to tell the German people, and especially the German youth, the true facts about the Nazi regime. The English boy does not learn politics at school. At least not directly. He is only trained how to make decisions, how to judge everything and taught how to form his own opinion. I think that everybody in this School has more or less " his " party, though, of course, he may be influenced by his parents, but whatever a (English) boy thinks, I have never heard him say that all other fellows who do not agree with him are blackguards, criminals and traitors. Despite the boys' " lack " of party education I do not think that you will find many places in the world where there is a better " esprit de corps " than in an English public school. Another advantage of the English boy is that propaganda cannot exert half as much influence on him as it can on a German boy. A great man once said : " The best kind of propaganda is the truth." The English boy knows the truth. To tell him a lie is more difficult than to tell a German boy the truth. And to tell the German boy the truth may be very deciding! In summing up, we come to the conclusion that all advantages lie on our side if we know how to use them and have the will to use them. It is always said that the future of a country lies in its youth : if this is so, then Britain need not be afraid to face the future. H. E. Braun, Form Va.
IN APPRECIATIONOF THOSE WHO GO DOWN TO THE SEA IN SHIPS. How often do we hear those cruel phrases—" Mined in the North Sea," " Sunk by Enemy Action off the East Coast." They come to our ears with an almost maddening regularity, and the toneless voice of the announcer half convinces us that he must have had some part in this cold, callous, barbarous murder. But it isn't a suggestion to say that perhaps our sympathy and sorrow are just a little superficial! Do we fully realise that without our seamen the power of our race would wane and fade ? Our Merchant Navy is the network of veins through which the heart of 33