CORRESPONDENCE. To the Editors of " The Peterite." Sir, Recently there has come into my possession a collection of lantern slides which belonged to the late Mr. Oxley Grabham, formerly the Curator of the Yorkshire Museum. While shewing some of these slides I came across some pictures of a fisherman's boat—taken probably near Bridlington or Scarborough. With the fishermen in the boat, hauling in a fish, is a boy wearing a Peterite cap. We wonder who it is ! Does this query perchance catch his eye? The photographs must have been taken some 30 or 35 years ago, and the boy must have been friendly with Mr. Oxley Grabham. Yours, etc., A. Wentworth Ping. March, 1940. Dear Sirs, We are writing this letter in order to make a few criticisms and to provide constructive ideas for your journal. In our opinion the magazine at present consists merely of a record of facts, and really, it is not worth sending them to print, for a record of events could be entered into one single book and so much valuable paper could be saved in this way. The lay-out of the magazine is poor and any original articles that do find their way into your pages start at the bottom of a page or are squashed between two paragraphs of factual matter. We suggest that drives for original articles should take place each term, and as an incentive to effort the offer of small prizes for the three best articles submitted would be an excellent idea. We do know of a case when an editorship was offered for the best original articles, and one of the writers of this letter tried for this ; the article was accepted, but no editorship was forthcoming ; we suppose that this was to be expected however. Well sirs, we hope that you will take notice of our wellmeant remarks and improve the quality of your magazine so as to make it worthy of our famous School. We are, dear sirs, " Wellwishers." 67