and energy with which he organised our effort, but also for the hours of drudgery which were entailed and which he faced so cheerfully. Commemoration was again restricted to a service in Chapel on the morning of St. Peter's Day, when the Bishop of Selby preached the sermon. Wisely, we think, the policy of preferring a simple act of remembrance to a more ambitious programme which could only be a pale shadow of the peace-time reality, has been continued. A prize-giving ceremony will be held on the 3rd October, when the ViceChancellor of Leeds University, Professor D. Mowat-Jones, D.S.O., MA., will be our guest. It is hoped, too, to produce " Macbeth " towards the end of the term. The new term will see the inevitable changes in personnel. Dr. Fleet leaves us after a brief sojourn among us, and Sister Schippers, whose unfailing kindliness we have all learnt to appreciate, will no longer be at the San. We wish them both well. In their places we welcome Miss A. A. Moore and J. Noel Smith, Esq., M.A.
THE VERY REV. H. N. BATE, D.D. In the passing of Dr. Bate, the Chairman of our Governing Body, the School has sustained a grievous loss. For he was not only our official Head, but in the truest sense of the word a friend of St. Peter's, ever ready with help and advice, with encouragement and constructive criticism, and intolerant of any proposal which seemed to him to militate against the best interests of the School. After his beloved Minster, it can be truly said that none of his official duties was nearer to his heart than the direction of our School's welfare, and though he was in poor health for more than a year preceding his death his interest never flagged. Many times I have been called to the Deanery, when he was too ill to attend meetings of the Governors, in order to acquaint him with the latest details of the School's progress. Dr. Bate shrank from any form of publicity, but it can definitely now be placed on record that his firm direction of our affairs in a time of difficulty laid the foundations of our present prosperity. In mourning the loss of a great Chairman we thank God for his services, and extend our deepest sympathies to his bereaved family. J. DRONFIELD. 2