Sept 1941

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The Very Reverend Herbert Newell Bate, D.D., Dean of York and Chairman of the Governors of St. Peter's School, died on May 18th, at Droitwich, in his 70th year. At the funeral service held in the Minster on May 21st the School was represented by the Head Master, the Housemasters (A. W. Ping, Esq., K. H. Rhodes, Esq., L. Burgess, Esq., and I. C. Bendall, Esq.), the Chaplain (Rev. P. P. N. Fawcett), and the School Monitors.

OLD PETERITE NEWS. SERVING WITH H.M. FORCES. The following names are to be added to the lists already published in " The Peterite " :— S. Todd. H. C. Pexton. J. P. Farrow.

* KILLED ON ACTIVE SERVICE. We learn with regret that Michael Biggin (School House, 1930 to 1934) has been killed on active service in the Middle East. * * * MISSING, BELIEVED KILLED. Flight Lieutenant Stephen Dodds, R.A.F., was reported missing after operations on the 20th May, 1940, and subsequently was officially presumed to have been killed in action on that date. F/L. Dodds was at St. Peter's from May, 1930, to December, 1934. He was Mentioned in Despatches in the 1941 New Year's Honours List.




DISTINGUISHED FLYING CROSS. We congratulate Acting Flight Lieutenant John Rawsthorn Rainford on the award of the Distinguished Flying Cross, announced on July 19th, 1941. J. R. Rainford, a native of Bartle, near Preston, was at St. Peter's from September, 1927, to December, 1930. He is the second Old Peterite to gain this honour. 3

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