EDITORIAL. The Winter Term, to which this issue refers, was, as usual, very active. Perhaps the two outstanding events were Speech Day and the production of "The Taming of the Shrew" at the end of term. All who were present at Speech Day were agreed that it was one of the most successful of such functions for many years. His Grace the Archbishop of York, our guest of the afternoon, had an unerring grasp of the requirements of the occasion, and his address was both entertaining and inspiring. Altogether, the afternoon left us with a feeling of satisfaction and a conviction that the ceremony, by its sincerity and dignity, had not failed in its purpose as the consummating event in the School year. For the first time St. Olave's had its separate prize-giving, of which an account is given elsewhere in our pages. Apart from the difficulty of accommodating the parents and friends of both Lower and Upper Schools in Hall, it is felt that the time has come when the Junior School, which has grown considerably in recent years, deserves a ceremony of its own. The venture into Shakesperean comedy proved an unqualified success. There were large and appreciative audiences at both performances of "The Taming of the Shrew," and the players are to be congratulated on maintaining the high standard which is expected of the school dramatic productions. These brief references to the activities of the term should not pass over a very successful rugger season. Almost all our School matches were won, though perhaps we derived most satisfaction from the convincing victories over our old rivals, Worksop and Ampleforth. Three of the XV, Penniston, Duffield, and Hart, had the distinction of being invited to play for the Northern Public Schools in the matches at Rosslyn Park during the Christmas holiday. This healthy condition of the School games, taken in conjunction with the outstanding academic successes recorded elsewhere, is good evidence that all is indeed right with the School.
H. D. F. Amor. M. Biggin. M. J. Buckle. J. W. Butler. A. P. Coombe. J. Dales. J. B. Deas. S. Dodds. J. M. Ferguson. F. W. Fineron. J. H. Foster. J. H. Fothergill. J. Garnham. J. Glaves.
P. Heywood. J. R. Hollington. B. H. W. Jackson. B. Lee (St. Olave's). R. C. Lynch. H. A. Milburn. L. H. W. Parkin. H. W. Richardson. C. M. Robson. G. S. Stead (Master). L. Telfor. J. R. Walters. W. L. Walters. J. Williams (St. Olave's).
MISSING. H. C. Pexton. J. R. Rainford.
S. P. Scott. J. W. Stead.