But before gqing any. further, we have a duty to perform. It will be difficult for us, especially those who are Old Olavites, to associate the Prep. School with any other name than that of Mr. Ping. Mr. Ping, to the more " evil spirits " of St. Olave's, knew when and where to apply the right pressure to the greatest good of our immortal souls. He introduced, to even the most stubborn of us, the Latin language, and his handshake and voice too will long be•remembered. For it all we, the Cambridge Old Olavites, offer our thanks to him, and we extend our best wishes to the whole family. To return to Cambridge. There seem to be more Old Peterites " up "than ever, and all of us tender our heartiest congratulations to R. A. Stratton on being chosen to represent the 'Varsity against Oxford at Lord's last June. His remark, " I was surprised Oxford didn't ask to play with a soft ball," seemed to sum up the result of the game quite adequately. Apart from cricket he has learnt to punt, what it is like to fall in the raver twice in one afternoon, and to cheat very successfully at Bridge. Dench and Boulton seemed to work, at least until the general election results were declared. Now they groan and wonder what life as civil servants holds in store for them. G. E. K. Reynolds when not performing on a stage is to be found in Tullivers, but always performing. P. A. Lockwood works, and is rarely seen in public ; rumour has it that he has joined the underground. If drawn into conversation you will invariably find that he asks this same question, " Is your teacher's diploma really necessary ? " Shardlow seems to be doing great things such as passing examinations and acting as secretary to Lady " Maggie " Boat Club. Ward and Bodington have been observed enjoying themselves, and also wearing " bellbottomed " trousers. Ward is to be congratulated on a first in his naval examinations. Jung is invisible ; at least he is never seen up or out, but we must remember he is a mathematician and so presumably does all his work in bed. Terry is often observed walking briskly along King's Parade in the direction of Mill Lane lecture rooms. We wonder in which language he thinks. Drummond and Legat are often to , be seen in or around the Market Place at eight o'clock in the evening. Yet all these gallant gentlemen " in the days of trial and tribulation which lie ahead," draw strength from the knowledge that Mr. Kenneth Pickthorn has been returned once more, by an intelligent electorate, as M.P. for. Cambridge University, and from the fact that St. Peter's School, York, Debating Society successfully passed the motion " that war with Russia would not be a national calamity "--in the year of Our Lord 1885. Wishing the School every success, We remain, The Cambridge Old Peterites.
VALETE AND SALVETE. VALETE (July, 1945). THE MANOR. P. A. Shardlow. 1940.45 (School House, 1940.42). School Monitor. Head of the Manor. Lower Vlth. 1st XI, 1943-44-45. 1st XI Colours, 194445. Captain of Cricket, 1945. 1st XV 1944-45. 1st XV Colours, 44. Sgt. in J.T.C. 1944-45. 2nd XI Hockey, 1942. School Certificate, 1.9 Cert. A. School Play, 1942-43. G. M. Smith. 1940.45 (St. Olave's, 1938 ; School House, 1940-42). School Monitor. Middle VIth. 2nd IV Colours, 1945. Capt. of Swimming, 1945. Sgt. in J.T.C. Cert. " A." Crossed Swords, A.S.P.T., Aldershot. Shooting Team, 1945. Played for 2nd XV. School Play, 1941-42-43. M. G. B. Jones. 1941.45 (School House, 1941 ; Manor, 1942). Vb. House Monitor. School Certificate, 1945. Played for 1st XI, 1944. Played for 2nd XI, 1944-45. 2nd XI Colours, 1944-45. Played for Junior Sussex XI, 1944. Captain of Squash, 1945. Played for Squash Team, 1945. School Play, 1943-44. Cadet in J.T.C. Cert. " A," 1945. First Class Shot. 9