Oct 1949

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No. 322

EDITORIAL The observation that we are living restlessly in days of swift and remorseless changes is a commonplace. But it is particularly true in the world of education. In schools and universities alike reforms are being initiated of which the outcome cannot be foreseen. Time alone will truly assess their value and their effects. For the Public Schools the problems of adjustment are peculiarly difficult, and the shape of things to come is not easily seen. For these reasons the Headmaster's report, which he presented at the Speech Day ceremony at the close of the Summer Term, seemed to us of more than usual interest. It was important in that a large part of his speech was devoted to a consideration of the trend of events in education in general and to an exposition of the way in which we at St. Peter's intend to adapt ourselves to the momentous innovations which are imminent. Very many among his audience must have welcomed his incisive analysis of the large questions on which public attention has long been focused and been reassured by his outline of a clear-cut policy to meet problems which the uninitiated can 'but vaguely comprehend. Perhaps some of us were only then made to appreciate fully the magnitude of the difficulties which face the Headmaster in these uncertain days and to understand something of the burden which he has to bear. This is not the place, nor, indeed, have we the authority to enlarge on this topic. All we would attempt here is to draw attention to the significance for St. Peter's of the policies which we shall pursue in the coming years. We need make no apology for printing in this issue an extensive resume of the Headmaster's speech. which, we believe, contained much that is of great importance for our future prosperity. Of the events of the coming term the most important will be the dedication, on Sunday, the 11th December, by the Archbishop of York, of the 'Memorial Book to those Old Peterites who gave their lives in the two world wars. Particulars of the Dedication •Service, which will be of special significance to Old Peterites and the relatives of the Fallen, are given as the first item in our "Old Peterite News". With this exception the events of the Christmas Term will be much as usual, and an abridged calendar of events will be found elsewhere in our pages. The close of the School Year brought the inevitable loss to us of members of the Staff. Mr. J. B. Day and Mrs. D. M. Bainton have gone, the former after but a brief stay in our midst and the latter

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