OLD PETERITE NEWS "THE BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE" The Book of Remembrance for those Old Peterites who gave their lives in the two World Wars is to be dedicated by His Grace the Archbishop of York in the School Chapel, on Sunday, the 1 1 th of December, at 6-0 p.m. The Book, which has been designed and executed by Mr. James N. Dowse, is bound in natural calf and contains the names of those who fell in the two wars inscribed on vellum with six names to each page. It is to be kept in a special Ante-Chapel, which is to be formed from the Chapel Lobby, to the design by Mr. G. G. Pace, the Sheffield Diocesan architect and architect for the rebuilding of Llandaff Cathedral. The Service of Dedication is primarily for the School, Old Peterites, and the relations and friends of those who were killed. Anyone who wishes to be present should apply for a ticket to K. H. Rhodes, St. Peter's School, before 1st December. LT.-COL. H. C. SCOTT After serving the Old Peterite Club as Hon. Secretary for over thirty years, Lt.-Col. Scott has retired from the position. It was felt at the Annual Meeting that the Club would wish to give him some tangible recognition of his great services to the Club, and it was decided to make a start by a collection at the Old Peterite Dinner. Those members at the dinner willingly agreed, and a collection was made, but it was felt that many Old Peterites who could not be present at the dinner would like to contribute to the Testimonial. Any contributions should be sent to K. H. Rhodes, St. Peter's School.
OLD PETERITE CLUB ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Meeting of the Old Peterite Club was held at the School on Friday, 22nd July. The Headmaster took the Chair. The resignation of Lt.-Col. H. C. Scott was accepted by the Club with great regret, and a vote of thanks to him for his service to the Club for over 30 years was passed by acclamation. The meeting then elected Mr. K. H. Rhodes as Hon. Secretary. The minutes of the last meeting were read and passed, and the Hon. Treasurer submitted the accounts for the year, which were approved. Messrs. J. N. Blenkin, N. G. L. R. 'McDermid and W. P. Anelay were elected to the Committee in the places of Messrs. K. H. Rhodes, R. A. Stratton and P. R. G. Graham, whose term had expired. The other officers were re-elected. 14