Oct 1949

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RILEY-SMITH SCHOLARSHIP-A. M. Marsh (St. Peter's Junior School). FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP-J. N. T. Howat (St. Peter's School). M. Carr (Ascham House, Gosforth, OTHER BOARDING SCHOLARSHIPS-A.

Newcastle-on-Tyne). D. C. Holmes (St. Peter's School). D. N. Simmons (Glenhow, Sal tburn-bythe-Sea). HEY SCHOLARSHIP (FOR DAY BOYS). -D. K. Timms (St. Peter's School).

VALETE (July, 1949) THE GROVE C. M. Bainton. 1944-49. (St. Olave's, 1939.) Rise, 1944-48. LVI. House Monitor. School Cert., 1947. 2nd XV Colours, 1948. Played for 2nd XI, 1948. Sgt. in C.C.F. Cert. "A". R. J. Frater. 1944-49. School House, 1944-48. LVI. House Monitor. School Cert., 1947. H.S.C., 1949. Musical Society Committee. School Orchestra. School Play, 1944 and 1947. Scout troop, 1944-46. King's Scout. Bushman's Thong. Represented troop at inspection by H.M. the King, Windsor Castle, 1946. A.B., Naval Section, C.C.F. Leading Seaman Exam. Cert. "A". 2nd Class Shot. J. A. Hannon. 1944-49. (St. Olave's, 1941). School House, 1944-48. LVI. House Monitor. School Cert., 1947. 2nd XI Cricket, 1946-49. Captain, 1949. Captain of Shooting, 1947-49. L/Sgt. C.C.F. Cert. "A". R. D. Watson. School House, 1944-48. L.VI. House Monitor. School Cert., 1947. 2nd XV, 1948. Colours, 1948. Coxed 4th IV, 1946; 2nd IV and 2nd VIII, 1947. 2nd IV Colours, 1947. Coxed for 1st IV, 1948. 4th IV, 19'49. School Squash Team, 1948-49. Colours, 1948-49. Shot for School, 1947-48-49. Colours, 1947-48. Capt. 2nd VIII, 1949. C.Q.M.S. in C.C.F. Cert. "A". 1st Class Shot. 1944-49. (St. Olave's, 1942). Temple, 1944-48. VC. P. K. Masser. School Cert., 1949. 2nd XI, 1949. Played for 1st XI, 1949. Cadet in C.C.F. Cert. "A". 1st Class Shot. J. B. Prendergast. 1947-49. (St. Olave's, 1943). Temple, 1947-48. IVc. Cadet in C.C.F. Cert. "A", Pt. I. C. R. Stead. 1946-49. Rise, 1946-48. VA. THE MANOR C. Frank. 1942-49. Lower VI. Head of School and Manor. School Monitor, 1948. School Cert., 1947. Colts XV, Colours, 1945. 1st XV, Colours, 1946-47-48-49. Played East Riding Yorkshire Schoolboys XV, 1947-48. Played for 1st XI Hockey, 1948. Colts Cricket XI, 1945-46. Colours, 1946. Played for 1st XI, 1947. 2nd XI, 1947-48-49. Captain of 2nd XI, 1949. School Athletics Team, 1945-46-47-48. Colts Athletics Colours, 1946. School Athletics Colours, 1947-48-49. Captain of Athletics, 194748-49. 1st Shooting VIII, 1947-48-49. Colours, 1948-49. Runner-up, Individual Shoot, 1949. Hon. Sec. Swimming, 1949. Chapel and Games Committee. Sgt. in C.C.F. Cert. "A", 1946. 1st Class Shot. C. D. Goode. 1944-49. (St. Olave's 1940). U.VI. Maths. House Monitor. School Cert., 1946. H.S.C., 1948. Played for 2nd XI, 1948-49. Colours, 1949. School Chess Team, 1946-47-48-49. School Fencing Team, 1948-49. L/Sgt. in C.C.F. Cert "A", 1946. Cert. "T", 1949.


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