ITEMS In the Christmas holidays W. H. N. Fairweather won the Yorkshire Junior Amateur Squash Championship, beating R. Brew, of Doncaster Grammar School, in the fourth round 9-4, 10-8, 9-6. * * * M. E. Kershaw, M. G. Goodburn and A. N. Wyatt-Gunning were selected to play for a Leeds and District XV against a Wharfedale XV, in which P. J. Blincoe played. The match was abandoned owing to frost, but Kershaw and Gunning were picked for a County trial. Gunning played for the Yorkshire Schooboys XV v. the Welsh Schoolboys XV. * * * Mr. E. P. Piers is now Headmaster of Jordan's Preparatory School, Ilminster, Somerset. Mr. A. E. R. Dodds, who was recalled to the forces in the summer, and is therefore temporarily absent from the Staff, has been serving in Korea for the past three months. * * * The Christmas Term ended with the customary "Play Supper" and the generously festive combined House Supper, at which the Headmaster and Mrs. Dronfield were present as usual. The closing week of the Christmas Term is a busy time for the domestic staff, and we are indeed grateful to Miss Stevenson, our Domestic Supervisor, and to Miss Hingley and her kitchen staff for all they did on our behalf.
HOUSE NOTES THE GROVE We returned to the House to find that we were under a completely new regime as none of last year's monitors had returned. The common rooms and back stairs had been decorated. But the studies had not been touched and so willing hands started to cover the memories of their predecessors with pink, blue, and brown paint. The painting completed, we settled down to the main business of the term, which was, of course, the retaining of the Senior and the winning of the Junior rugger cups. We managed the latter by beating first the Rise and then Temple. The Senior Cup still rests on our shelf, as we beat Temple and the Manor, only for the weather to intervene and save the Rise. P. J. Blincoe is to be congratulated on gaining his 1st Cap, and D. I. Fletcher and R. M. Hodgson were awarded their Colours. N. M. Hodd captained the School 2nd XV and H. Murray was awarded his Second's Colours. G. B. Pullan was captain of the Colts XV, and as a result of their efforts for the House W. G. A. Maxwell and H. Murray were awarded their House Colours. 11