In 1902 he had entered the service of the North Eastern Railway Company under Sir George Gibb, and in 1906 removed to London when Sir George Gibb became General Manager of the Metropolitan District and London Electric Railways. In 1907 he was transferred to the staff of Mr. A. H. Stanley, who later became Lord Ashfield. In 1909 he became Traffic Development Officer and in 1912 Commercial Manager. In 1921 he became Joint Assistant Managing Director of the Companies of the Underground Group, and in 1924 assumed full administrative control under Lord Ashfield. From 1933 to 1940 he was Vice-Chairman of the London Passenger Transport Board. In 1940 he became Director General of the Ministry of Information, and in 1941 took over special duties in connection with traffic on Canals and Inland Waterways. Frank Pick was a foundation member of the Institute of Transport and became President in 1932. He served on several Government Committees and Royal Commissions, and was Chairman of the Council for Art and Industry. He was one of the founders of the Design and Industries Association. He died on 7th November, 1941.
OLD PETERITE NEWS LONDON DINNER, 1951 The London Dinner of the Club was held at Brown's Hotel, Dover Street, W.1, on Wednesday, 7th November, 1951. The Chair was taken by John Rodgers, M.P. for Sevenoaks, Kent. Mr. S. M. Toyne proposed the toast of "The School", to which the Head Master replied. The toast of "The Old Peterite Club" was proposed by F. W. B. Pacey, and Dr. M. T. Clegg replied. In the course of the evening it was suggested informally that the Club should endow a prize in memory of the late Frank Pick. A spontaneous collection realised an amount of some £50. The "Frank Pick Prize for Design" will therefore be competed for annually at the School. The 1952 London Dinner will be held on Wednesday, 12th November. Further details will be given in the next two issues of "The Peterite". The following forty-eight Old Peterites attended the Dinner :— Archer, L. H. J., 1922-26. Atkinson, E. G. B., 1920-24. Baddeley, W. D., 1915-19. Black, V. M., 1935-41. Booth, R. M., 1941-49. Cadell, T. W. P., 1919-23. Camm, J. P., 1927-31.
Claybourn, G. R., 1942-46. Clegg, M. T., 1901-07. Colley, W. H., 1901-07. Cooper, A. B., 1927-31. Crombie, I. F., 1918-26. Denison, J. A., 1938-42. Dixon, J. B., 1932-36.