May 1952

Page 49

R.N. SECTION This has been a most successful term for the Section, culminating in a number of very satisfactory examination results. On the G.C.F. Day, Commander Powell, R.N., paid us his first visit in his capacity of Admiralty Administrative Officer. In the course of his visit Leading Seamen Shaw, Quarmby, Greenwood, and Able Seaman Lochore all passed the P.O. Oral and Power of Command Tests. Since these four had already passed the P.O. Written Examination (Quarmby with distinction), we should soon have four more cadets who have passed for P.O., this will bring the total to six, which will be a most satisfactory record.

Out of 19 entrants, eight cadets passed the Leading Seaman Written Test and all of these were subsequently successful in the Oral Test. P.O. Fletcher (who was advanced this term from Leading Seaman) continued to handle the R.N. Squad of the Basic Section in a most able manner. On the administrative side, Ord/Seaman Moore was appointed Divisional Office Writer, and A/A.B. Walton and Ord/Seaman Leonard put in some hard work to get the stores ready for inspection. Finally P.O. Hilton has continued to inspire much keenness in the Section, and is to be specially complimented on the high standard of drill which has been maintained throughout the term.

SENIOR SCHOOL SCOUTS This term has seen some advances made in badge work. Three Senior Scouts, P/L. M. J. Baddeley, Second J. E. H. Quickfall, and J. H. Baines have gained the Ambulance Badge, while five Scouts gained their Second Class Badge, and six Scouts the Firefighter Badge. Other tests were passed and we hope to increase the number of First Class Scouts next term. The Patrol Competition for this term proved one of the closest on record. The Beaver Patrol with 132 points narrowly beat the Otters with 131 and the Seals with 1281. A Field Day was spent in hiking north of York. Each Patrol planned its own route and all were supposed to meet at Kirkham Abbey at 3-30 p.m. with First Class standard journey reports. The weather was perfect for hiking and all reached the destination, though one patrol was too late for afternoon tea, which had been prepared there. 48

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