School House :—M. B. Rushholme, M. S. Milne, G. D. Gardner, D. G. Hilton, C. G. Howat. Temple :—C. M. Ward, A. E. Simpson, R. B. Atkinson, J. C. Herring, J. M. Welch. JUNIOR.
Grove :—T. M. Sheriff, J. Wick, M. N. Coates, J. E. Smith, D. C. Pattison. Manor :—J. A. Jackson, R. M. Johnson, J. M. Saville, C. M. Dunn, A. M. Marsh. Rise :—A. J. Isherwood, J. B. Claydon, J. A. Sharp, D. A. Haxby, J. R. Shirtcliff e. School House :—J. M. Holt, J. N. T. Howat, C. K. Smith, C. J. Griffiths, P. J. Middlebrook. Temple : —N. R. Seaton, R. V. King, J. R. Dodsworth, B. A. Heap, R. B. Holdsworth.
THE JUNIOR SCHOOL Old Peterites who were at St. Olave's may read these notes from time to time, and may then remark that St. Olave's seems to be going along in much the same way as in their time—except, perhaps, for the increase in numbers. However, at the beginning of this Easter Term an important change was brought in, which has been greatly approved and which has worked very well. Instead of the Junior School boys being split up for Prayers at the beginning of the morning, some to Chapel and some to Prayers in the Assembly Room, all St. Olave's boys have attended Prayers in Chapel at 9-0 a.m. (after the Senior School service). We then start our first period of work at 9-15. This Easter Term has been one of the best for good health and regular attendance we have had for some years. Our numbers have not quite reached the 200 mark, though very nearly ! We started the term with 198 boys in attendance, and one more boy joined us at half term. A notable anniversary occurred this term. On 21st March it was a great pleasure to announce that Our Scout Troop had completed exactly 21 years of existence. It was on 21st March, 1931, when the "St. Peter's School, York, Group" was formed with Mr. K. G. Chilman as the Scoutmaster of 21 Scouts, and Miss E. C. M. Toyne as Cubmistress of the Wolf Cub Pack of two Sixes. Since the date of formation the Scouts and the Cubs have never ceased their activities and they have greatly increased in numbers, and in importance in School. Mr. Kenneth Chilman is to be heartily congratulated on his long association with the "movement", and on contributing so much during these years to its success. Continuing the custom of recording some Nature notes, it was interesting that the first Lesser Celandine, and the first Coltsfoot in bloom were brought in by different boys on the same day, 25th February. The Winter, as far as York was concerned, has been a 63