May 1953

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MAY, 1953

No. 333

EDITORIAL When we return after the Easter holidays, the Coronation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will be barely a month away, and the tempo of the nation-wide interest will no doubt be quickening to its climax of enthusiasm. It has often been remarked that our attitude to the idea of Sovereignty is a cause of bewilderment to the foreigner, who cannot reconcile it with our passion for democracy and liberty. But perhaps we may reply by inverting Sberne's celebrated remark and contend that "we order - these things better in Britain." "Vive 1' Empereur", "Heil Hitler" and "Viva Mussolini" are buried now in the dust of the past, but the British Monarchy, which by its adaptability and ideal of service to the people has survived the republicanism of the nineteenth century and the catastrophic world wars of the twentieth, remains more firmly based in the loyalty of the British people than ever in its long history. With characteristic goodsense the Briton plods on to his goal over the ancient paths, improving, amending, compromising, but never discarding or destroying anything of whose intrinsic worth he is instinctively assured. "Ingredere ut proficias super antiquas vias" might well be the motto of our race. Recent events have given overwhelming proof that the joys and sorrows of the Royal Family strike deep into the hearts of the people. When time at length took from us the gracious and revered figure of Queen Mary, the grief and sympathy throughout the Commonwealth were as sincere as will be the rejoicing when, on 2nd June, our young Queen dedicates herself to her life of service to her peoples throughout the world. A four-days' holiday, from Sunday, the 31st May, to Wednesday, the 3rd June, enabling the boarders to go home, if they wish, will give us all an opportunity to celebrate the occasion in our own ways. And it seems to us a happy inspiration which has led the Head Master and the Governors to name the new day-boy house the "Queen's House". Are we not the "Royal School of St. Peter's" and do we not owe our resuscitation from the difficulties which followed the Reformation to a new Charter granted by an earlier English Queen 1

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