3 minute read

Four Poems

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Rugby Football

Upon the softly greying air

Lingered the scent of rose and musk, And wrapped in veils of filmy hair

Advanced the misty form of dusk. Upon the woods he breathed a sigh

And hung upon the hills like frost, Silvered the river flowing by

And softened all, and then was lost. The vague black form of gloomy night

Approached and deepened still the haze, Until he vanished out of sight

And merged into the blacks and greys. A silver streak the river passed,

A deeper mass revealed the wood, And all the world was folded fast

In night's black cloak and velvet hood.


I knew him when he was a child,

When lilac bloomed on the lea. We raced along to the church on the hill

Together, I and he. And still a child he ran away

And sailed across the sea. I knew him when he was a man,

When roses blushed in the prime. He returned and we went to the church on the hill

And prayed a little time. Then away he wandered over the world

And roved from clime to clime. I knew him broken and bent with age

When ivy strangled the tree. I led him along to the church on the hill

And he prayed again with me. And still he wandered away at a whim,

As restless as the sea. The foot-steps sound in the empty church

And echo down the aisle; The organ blows with unearthly breath

And the gargoyles seem to smile. 0 God, you gave him a roving life,

Now grant him rest a while. 19


In vain we break the common law,

In vain conceal the smallest sin, In vain we hide our faces, for

The dreadful demon Discipline Alas ! alack ! Is on our track, And when he comes to call us back We must obey, And so I say "All human things are subject to D.K."


This term a Careers Room was opened to provide information about business and industrial careers. The room is open to all boys at all times and has been regularly used throughout the term. Information from nearly 100 organisations has been filed and further information is added from time to time. It is never too early to start thinking of a career and even the youngest boys may find it profitable to browse through the literature available. Information not available can usually be obtained, on request to the Careers Master, within a few days, such information increasing the value of the room.



Mr. Bernard Newman is a very popular lecturer at St. Peter's School, so popular, in fact, after his lecture some time ago on the sinister subject of spies and spying, that he was invited to call again this term on 26th November and dilate upon a subject dear to the hearts of many : "Travel on very little money". The invitation was accepted by 'Mr. Newman, who, needless to say, did not disappoint us. !Mr. Newman's first point was that travelling "on the cheap" has a great appeal—a sentiment with which many people present heartily associated themselves ! There were three ways of thus travelling, he continued : walking, which, however, rather limits the field of operation; hitch-hiking, which, unfortunately, is no longer cheap; and cycling. This last, he claimed, is the ideal way of travelling far cheaply and when it is combined with a little judicious 3rd class rail travel one can, as he actually did, get from one end of Europe to the other. Mr. Newman closed his brief talk by saying that it is best '20

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