Feb 1955

Page 37

CAREERS ROOM The Careers Room has been more regularly used this term, and an encouraging feature has been the increased number of younger boys who have made use of it. As has been pointed out before, though it may not be advisable to settle too definitely upon a career at an early age, it is never too early to begin finding out about possibilities. Information continues to come in from various sources, and recent additions to the Careers File include pamphlets from the following :— Stewarts and Lloyds, Ltd.—Engineering. Dorman Long & Co., Ltd.—Engineering. Raleigh Industries, Ltd.—Engineering. Lockheed Hydraulic Brakes, Ltd.—Engineering. Bradford Technical College—Textiles. Tootal Broadhurst Lee Co., Ltd.—Textiles. Ashton Brothers, Ltd.—Textiles. Esso Petroleum Company. Anglo-American Corporation (S. Africa)—Mining. Federation of British Industries ,(a pamphlet entitled "Careers for the Graduate in Industry"). Sutherland Dental School, Durham University. Loughborough College of Technology—Automobile Engineering. Local Government Service. Edinburgh University Department of Social Studies.

Also in the Careers Room are to be found two series of pamphlets produced by the Ministry of Labour and National Service, namely "Careers for Men and Women" and "Choice of Careers". The following revised pamphlets in the first series have recently been received :— Auctioneering, Estate Agency and Land Agency. Insurance. Electrical Engineering.

The following new pamphlets have been received in the second series :—

Accountancy. Medical Laboratory Technician. Occupational Therapy. Physiotherapy. Chiropody. Local Government.

In these notes last term it was pointed out that one of the functions of the Public Schools Appointments Bureau is to organise Short Works Courses during the Easter and Summer holidays for boys over 16. The object of the courses is to give boys some idea of what industrial and business careers entail. They are open both to boys who have decided to enter industry or business and also to boys who have not decided upon their careers, but who think that they might be interested in industry. Attendance at one of the courses 35

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