Oct 1955

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No. 340

EDITORIAL A term which included, in addition to the usual seasonal features of Commemoration and the Examinations, such unique features as the retirement of Mr. Ping, the presentation to the School of a portrait of the Head Master, the discovery in the School grounds of a Roman skeleton, not to mention several weeks of glorious summer weather, will remain in the memories of most of us. These diverse features of the Summer Term, 1955, are fully reported elsewhere in this number and need not detain us here. For Mr. Ping the closing days of the term must have been something of an ordeal. Inevitably he was presented with many farewell gifts—St. Olave's, the Senior School, Junior and Senior School colleagues, the O.P. Club, all had their way in this—and, of course, he had to receive and respond to as many valedictory addresses. Whatever his inner feelings may have been (and he must indeed have been deeply moved by the severance of ties which have endured so long), Mr. Ping faced these occasions with his traditional bonhommie and hearty good-humour. Mr. Ping remained Mr. Ping to the end. At these various ceremonies all was said that should be said, and strangers (if any could have been present) would have been left in no doubt of the universal affection and esteem which Mr. Ping has evoked in his thirty years' association with St. Peter's School. It is, we believe, true that "we shall not see his like again". These days of mass production and drab uniformity do not breed original personalities like Mr. Ping. Mr. Ping, though the strict orbit of his duties embraced only St. Olave's, was none the less an integral part of the Senior School. He belonged to St. Peter's as a whole, and The Peterite (to which he makes his final contribution in this issue) is glad to have the last word and to wish him, on behalf of all our readers, many years of happiness in the retirement which he has so richly earned. Mr. Ping has been succeeded as Master in charge of the Junior School by Mr. J. S. Cooper, to whom we offer our best wishes for success in his responsible office. 1

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