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Swain, M. L. (Elementary Mathematics).

Thomas, C. L. (Physics-with-Chemistry, Art).

Trollope, R. R. (English Language, English Literature, Geography, French, General Science). ALTERNATIVE ORDINARY LEVEL

The following members of the VIth Form passed the new Alt. "0" Paper on "The Economic Structure of England" :-

Baxter, R., Beresford, D. N. L., Chilman, T., Dronfield, P. J., Gosling, K., Hall, A. G., Jenkinson, T. M., Kershaw, M. J., Knapton, J. J. F., Quickfall, C. J., Robbins-Jones, T. J., Sabben-Clare, T. E. H., Unwin, H. W. H., Wilson, M. B., Wroe, S. J. S.


THE GROVE D. Huger. 1951-57 (St. Olave's, 1946). School Monitor. Head of School.

Head of The Grove. Chapel Monitor, 1955-56. Upper VI Modern.

G.C.E., "A" Level, 1956, "0" Level, 1954. Chapel Committee. Games

Committee. Debating Society Committee. Editor of "The Peterite".

Member of Curia. Chairman, 1956. School Orchestra, 1951-57. Choir, 1955-56. Colts XV, 1952. Colours, 1953. 1st XV, 1953-54-55-56-57.

Colours, 1953-57. "A" XV, 1953. 1st XI Hockey, 1953-54-56-57.

Colours, 1953-57. Captain and Cap, 1956-57. Yorkshire Schoolboys'

Trial, 1956. Yorkshire Schoolboys' Hockey XI, 1957. 2nd XI, 1957.

Colours, 1957. Goodburn Cup, 1955. York Cross-Country Youth Team and award, 1956. Squash V and Colours, 1956-57. Warranted Assistant

Scout Master. Queen's Scout, 1955. T. G. Stephenson. 1951-57. School Monitor. Upper VI Mathematics.

G.C.E., "0" Level, 1954; "A" Level, 1956. Games Committee. Debating Society Committee. Colts XV, 1953-54-55. Colours, 1953-54.

Captain, 1954-55. 1st XV, 1955-56-57. Colours, 1955-57. Cap, 195657. Durham County Schoolboys' XV, 1956-57. 2nd IV, 1955-56.

Colours, 1955. 1st IV, 1957. Colours, 1st VIII. P.O. i/c R.N. Section.

Cert. "A", Part I. P.O. Exam. 1st Class Shot. Efficiency Badge. G. V. Plester. 1951-57. House Monitor. Lower VI Science. G.C.E., "0"

Level, 1955; "A" Level, 1957. York City Major Scholarship, 1957.

Science Society Committee. 2nd XV, 1956-57. 1st VIII, 1957. 2nd IV

Colours. Chess Team, 1955-57. Sgt. in R.A.F. Section of C.C.F. Cert. "A", Part I. Proficiency. Advanced Proficiency. Marksman. Efficiency

Badge. H. W. H. Unwin. 1952-57. House Monitor. Lower VI Modern. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1954; "A" Level, 1957. 3rd XV, 1955-56. 2nd XV, 1956-57.

Chess Team, 1953-57. Sgt. 2 i/c Basic Section, C.C.F. Cert. "A", Parts I and II. R.A. Exam., Part I. Efficiency Badge. 1st Class Shot. C. J. Quickfall. 1952-57 (St. Olave's, 1947). House Monitor. Lower VI

Science. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1955; "A" Level, 1957. Choir, 1949-54.

Science Society Committee. Lifesaving Medallion. Cert. "A", Part I.

P.O. Exam., 1957. 2 i/c R.N. Basic Section. Queen's Scout. Efficiency

Badge. 1st Class Shot. C. J. Copley. 1955-57 (St. Olave's, 1950). Upper Shell A. Natural History

Society. 2nd Class Scout. J. J. F. Knapton. 1953-57 (St. Olave's, 1949). Lower VI Mathematics. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1955; "A" Level, 1957. School Play, 1955. Colts XI, 1955.

Captain and Colours, 1955. Colts XV, 1955. Colours, 1955. 1st XI, 1956-57. Colours, 1956-57. 1st XV, 1956-57. Colours, 1956-57. Leading Cadet, R.A.F. Section. Proficiency, 1957. Cert. "A". 1st Class

Shot. Efficiency Badge.

J. R. Maxwell. 1953-57 (St. Olave's, 1949). Transitus Science. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1956. Games Committee. Colts XV, 1955. Colours, 1955. 2nd XV, 1956. Captain, 1956. 1st VIII Shooting, 1955-56-57. Captain, 1957. 2nd XI Hockey, 1957. L/Sgt. in Weapon Training Section.

Cert. "A", Parts I and II. Marksman. Individual Shot Cup, 1957. D. C. Parry. 1953-57 (St. Olave's, 1949). Lower VI Science. G.C.E., "0"

Level, 1955; "A" Level, 1957. Chapel Committee. Colts XI, 1955. 2nd XI Hockey, 1957. Cert. "A", Part I. A.B. P.O. Exam. 2 i/c New

Recruits. 1st Class Shot. M. P. Stanton. 1953-57 (St. Olave's, 1949). Upper VI Modern. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1955; "A" Level, 1956. Member of Curia. L/Cpl. in C.C.F.

Cert. "A", Parts I and II. Marksman.

MANOR J. R. Peverley. 1951-57 (St. Olave's, 1949). School Monitor. Head of

Manor. Upper VI Mathematics. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1953; "A" Level, 1955. State Scholarship, 1956. Minor Open Scholarship to Christ's

College, Cambridge, 1956. Library Monitor. Member of Curia. 2nd

Shooting Colours, 1956. 1st VIII Minor Colours, 1956-57. Bisley Major

Colours, 1956-57. 16th in the "Schools' Hundred" Competition. Bisley, 1956-57. Vice-Captain of Shooting, 1957. Chess Team, 1957. L/Sgt. i/c

Shooting in C.C.F. Cert. "A", Parts I and II. Efficiency Badge. Marksman. C. J. Woolley. 1951-57 (St. Olave's, 1949). House Monitor. Upper VI

Modern. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1954; "A" Level, 1956. Chess Team, 1957. 3rd XV, 1955-56. Cert. "A", Part I. 1st Class Shot. D. N. Brocklebank. 1952-57. House Monitor. Lower VI Science. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1955; "A" Level, 1957. Member of Curia. Young Farmers'

Club Committee. Played for Colts XV, 1953. Played for Colts XI, 1954. 2nd XV, 1954. 1st XV, 1955-56-57. Colours, 1955-56-57. 2nd XI Hockey, 1955. 1st XI Hockey, 1956-57. Colours, 1956-57. Played for 1st XI, 1957. Hull and East Riding Schoolboys XV, 1956. School Tennis Team, 1956. R.N. Section. Leading Seaman Exam., 1956. Cert. "A", Part I, 1953. Efficiency Badge. Marksman. M. B. Wilson. 1954-57. House Monitor. Lower VI Science. G.C.E., "0"

Level, 1955; "A" Level, 1957. Debating Society Committee. School

Play, 1955. Colts XV, 1954. 2nd XV, 1955. Colours, 1955. 1st XV, 1956. Cap, 1956. 2nd Shooting VIII, 1954. 3rd IV, 1956. 2nd IV

Colours, 1956. 2nd IV, 1957. Colours, 1957. 1st VIII, 1957. Cpl. in

Army Section. i/c Weapon Training. Cert. "A", Parts I and II. Signals

Classification. Efficiency. Marksman. M. L. Bywater. 1954-57. House Monitor. Lower VI Science. G.C.E., "0"

Level, 1955; "A" Level, 1957. Chairman of Young Farmers' Club, 195556-57. Member of Curia. School Play, 1955. Colts, XV, 1954. 1st

XV, 1956. Colours, and Cap, 1956. 2nd IV, 1956-57. Colours, 1956-57. 1st VIII, 1957. L/Bbr. R.A. Detachment. Cert. "A", Parts I and II.

Marksman. C. B. M. Gregory. 1952-57. House Monitor. L.VI Science. G.C.E., "0"

Level, 1955; "A" Level, 1957. Young Farmers' Club Committee, 1954-57.

Vice-Chairman, 1955-57. Chairman, 1957. School Play, 1954. Leading

Seaman in R.N. Section. N.C.O. i/c Naval Base No. 2. A.B. Leading

Seaman and P.O. Exams. Quartermaster Course, Clyde, 1956. Efficiency

Badge. Cert. "A", Part I. 1st Class Shot. D. R. Procter. 1952-57 (St. Olave's, 1949). House Monitor. Lower VI

Science. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1955; "A" Level, 1957. Choir. Music

Society Committee. 3rd IV, 1957. 2nd IV Colours. Sgt. in C.C.F. i/c Signals Platoon. Cert. "A", Parts I and II. Signals Classification.

Morse Badge. Efficiency Badge. 1st Class Shot. 20

J. D. Brewin. 1953-57. Transitus Science. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1956; "A"

Level, 1957. 5th IV, 1957. A.B. in R.N. Section. Cert. "A", Part I.

P.O. Exam. Efficiency Badge. Marksman. B. W. A. Craven. 1953-57 (St. Olave's, 1949). V Modern. G.C.E., "0"

Level, 1957. A.B. in R.N. Section. Cert. "A", Part I. Leading Seaman

Exam. Efficiency Badge. 1st Class Shot. J. Etherington. 1953-57. V Modern. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1957. Award of

Merit and Bar, Bronze Medallion and Bar. Cadet in R.A.F. Section.

Cert. "A", Part I. .22 1st Class Shot. .303 Marksman. Efficiency

Badge. A. May. 1955-57 (St. Olave's, 1952). Shell B. Colts XI, 1957. Basic

Section B. R.A.F. M. May. 1955-57 (St. Olave's, 1952). Shell B. Colts XI, 1957. Basic

Section •B. R.A.F. I. N. Ridley. 1952-57. Lower VI Science. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1954; "A" Level, 1957. Colts XV, 1952-53. Played for Colts XI, 1953. 2nd XV, 1956-57.

Colours, 1957. 2nd XI, 1956-57. 1st XI Hockey, 1956. Colours, 1956.

Leading Seaman, Naval Section. A.B., Leading Seaman and P.O. Exams.

Basic Section N.C.O. Cert. "A", Part I. Efficiency Badge. 1st Class

Shot. C. D. M. Wood. 1952-57 (St. Olave's, 1949). Lower VI Science. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1955; "A" Level, 1957. Cert. "A", Part I. A.B., Naval

Section. Leading Seaman Exam. Efficiency Badge. 1st Class Shot.

QUEEN'S C. R. Clough. 1951-57 (St. Olave's, 1946). Temple, 1951-52. School

Monitor. Head of Queen's. Upper VI Science. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1954; "A" Level, 1956. Secretary of Debating Society. Secretary of

Science Society. Secretary of Tennis. Library Monitor. C.Q.M.S. of

C.C.F. Cert. "A", Parts I and II. Asst. Sigs. Instr. Signals Classification. Morse Instr. Efficiency Badge. Marksman. P. A. Crane. 1951-57 (St. Olave's, 1947). Temple, 1951-53. House Monitor.

L.VI Modern. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1955; "A" Level, 1957. 3rd XV, 1956. 2nd XI, 1955-56. Played for 1st XI, 1956. Cpl. in Army Section of C.C.F. Cert. "A", Parts I and II. D. R. Holt. 1951-57 (St. Olave's, 1948). Temple, 1951-53. House Monitor.

Upper VI Mathematics. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1954; "A" Level, 1956.

N. Riding Major Scholarship, 1957. Debating Society Committee. Chapel

Committee. Queen's Scout. Asst. Scoutmaster. Warranted. R. A. Elliott. 1953-57 (St. Olave's, 1951). Transitus Modern. G.C.E., "0"

Level, 1956. Chess Team, 1956-57. Senior Scout. E. G. Stewart. 1953-57. V Modern. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1957. Cadet in

R.A.F. Section. Cert. "A", Part I. 1st Class Shot. M. L. Swain. 1953-57 (St. Olave's, 1951). V Modern. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1957. Played for Colts XV, 1955. 3rd XV, 1956. Colts XI, 1956. 2nd

XI, 1957. Cadet in R.A.F. Section. Cert. "A", Part I. 1st Class Shot.

THE RISE D. J. Oldman. 1951-57 (St. Olave's, 1947). Vice-Head of School. Head of

Rise. Upper VI Science. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1953; "A" Level, 1955.

State Scholarship, 1956. Major Open Scholarship to St. Catharine's

College, Cambridge, 1957. Editor of "The Peterite". Member of Curia.

Secretary, 1956. Games Committee Secretary. Debating Society Committee. Library Monitor. School Play, 1953. Colts XV, 1953-54. 2nd

XV, 1955-56. Colours, 1956. Queen's Scout. Asst. Scoutmaster


C. W. Jose. 1951-57 (St. Olave's, 1947). School Monitor. Upper VI

Classics. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1953; "A" Level, 1955. State Scholarship, 1956. Classics Open Scholarship to Worcester College, Oxford, 1957.

Member of Curia. Secretary, 1956. Library Monitor. School Play, 1955. 3rd IV Cox, 1956. 2nd IV Colours, 1956. Secretary of Boat Club, 1957.

C.P.O. i/c C.C.F., 1957. P.O. Exam., 1955. Leading Seaman Exam., 1954. Cert. "A", Part I. A. C. Stubbs. 1951-57 (St. Olave's, 1946). House Monitor. Lower VI

Science. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1954; "A" Level, 1957. Games Committee.

Colts XV, 1952-53. 2nd XV, 1954. 1st XV, 1955-56. Colours, 195556. 3rd IV, 1956. 1st IV, 1957. Colours, 1957. 1st VIII, 1957. 2nd

VIII Minor Shooting Colours, 1953. 1st VIII Shooting, 1954-55-56-57.

Colours, 1955-56-57. Sgt. i/c R.A.F. Basic Section. N.C.O. i/c R.A.F.

Instruction. Cert. "A", Part I. Advanced Proficiency. Marksman. M. G. Sykes. 1951-57 (St. Olave's, 1948). House Monitor. Upper VI

Mathematics. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1954; "A" Level, 1956. Qualifying

Exam. for Mechanical Science Tripos, Cambridge, 1957. Member of

Curia. Debating Society Committee. Choir, 1955-57. Acting Assistant

Scoutmaster. Sgt. in R.A.F. Section. Advanced Proficiency. Cert. "A",

Part I. Marksman. Efficiency Badge. G. F. B. Mitchell. 1952-57 (St. Olave's, 1947). House Monitor. Upper VI

Science. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1954; "A" Level, .1956. W. Riding Major

Bursary, 1957. Natural History Society Committee. Member of Curia.

Colts XV, 1954. Played for 1st XV, 1955. 2nd XV, 1955-56. Colours, 1956. "A" XV, 1956. 2nd XI Hockey, 1956-57. Colts XI, 1954. 1st

XI, 1955-56. Colours, 1955-56. Captain of 2nd XI, 1957. Played for 1st V Squash, 1956. Chess Team, 1955-57. Leading Seaman in R.N.

Section of C.C.F. Cert. "A", Part I. P.O. Exam. 1st Class Shot.

Efficiency Badge. W. N. Richards. 1952-57. House Monitor. Lower VI Modern. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1955; "A" Level, 1957. Member of Curia. Library Monitor. 2nd XI Hockey, 1955. 1st XI Hockey Colours, 1956-57. 2nd XV, 1957.

Sgt. i/c Army Training Platoon. Cert. "A", Parts I and II. Art Exam.,

Part I. 1st Class Shot. M. G. Hancock. 1952-57. House Monitor. Upper VI Mathematics. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1954; "A" Level, 1956. Member of Curia. Music Society

Committee. Record Librarian. School Play, Orchestra, 1954-57. Choir, 1952-57. Fencing Team, 1954-55-56-57. Colours, 1954-57. 3rd IV, 1957. 2nd IV Colours, 1957. Cpl. in R.A.F. Section, i/c Stores.

Band, 1954-57. Drum Major, 1957. Cert. "A", Part I. R.A.F.

Proficiency. 1st Class Shot. E. W. Trevelyan. 1952-57. U.VI from St. Olave's. House Monitor. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1955; "A" Level, 1956. Cpl. in C.C.F., R.A.F. Section.

Cert. "A", Part I. Proficiency and Advanced Proficiency. School Play, 1952-53-54-55. Choir, 1952-54-56. Librarian. Music Society Member.

Choral Society. Debating Society Member. General Knowledge Prize ((Below VI), 1955. 2nd Shooting VIII, 1956-57. 1st Class Shot. D. Anderson. 1954-57. Lower VI Science. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1955; "A"

Level, 1957. School Orchestra, 1956-57. Senior Colts, 1954. 2nd XV, 1956. 4th IV, 1957. Fencing Team, 1955-56-57. Colours, 1957.

R.L.S.S. Awards, 1954-57. R.N. Section. P.O. Exam. Recruit N.C.O.

Cert. "A", Part I. Signal Classification. Band, 1954-57. Bugle

Proficiency. Bugle Leader. Marksman. G. P. Burden. 1952-57 (St. Olave's, 1948). Upper VI Art. G.C.E., "0"

Level, 1954; "A" Level, 1956. Entry to Royal School of Art. Choir, 1949-57. Music Society Committee. Choral Society Secretary. 3rd IV, 1956. 2nd IV Colours, 1956. 1st IV, 1957. Colours, 1957. Winner of Hobbies Cap, 1953-54-55. Leading Seaman 2 i/c R.N. Section.

Yeoman of Signals. P.O. Exam. Cert. "A", Part I. Efficiency Badge. 22

R. T. Burdon. 1953-57 (St. Olave's, 1949). Transitus Modern. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1956. 2nd XI Hockey, 1957. Colts XI, 1955-56. 1st XI, 1957. Colours, 1957. Cert. "A", Part I. Leading Seaman Exam. 2nd

Class Shot. J. F. Franklin. 1952-57. Upper VI Science. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1954; "A"

Level, 1956. State Scholarship, 1957. Leading Seaman Exam. Cert. "A"

Part I. P.O. Exam. i/c Rodney Division. 2nd Class Shot. R. L. High. 1953-57 (St. Olave's, 1950). Lower VI Modern. G.C.E., "0"

Level, 1955; "A" Level, 1956. 1st VIII (Country Life), 1956-57. Colours, 1957. Cpl. in Army Section. Cert. "A", Parts I and II. Efficiency.

Marksman. R. R. Trollope. 1953-57. V Modern. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1957. Cadet in

Army Section. Cert. "A", Part I. 1st Class Shot. D. R. Turnball. 1953-57. Va. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1956. L/Cpl., R.A.F.

Section. Cert. "A", Part I. Proficiency. Efficiency. 1st Class Shot. F. F. Watson. 1952-57 (St. Olave's, 1947). Lower VI Modern. G.C.E., "0"

Level, 1955; "A" Level, 1957. Choir, 1954-57. Chapel Committee.

Music Society Committee. School Play, 1954. Leading Seaman Exam.

Cert. "A", Part I. Band, 1957. Efficiency. Marksman. S. J. S. Wroe. 1952-57. Upper VI Science. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1954; "A"

Level, 1956. N. Riding Major Bursary, 1957. Choir, 1955-57. School

Play, 1953. Young Farmers' Club Treasurer, 1956. Natural History Society

Treasurer, 1956-57. 3rd XV, 1955. 2nd XV, 1956. 1st XV, 1957.

Colours, 1957. Queen's Scout, A.S.M. Senior Scouts, 1957.

SCHOOL HOUSE T. J. Robbins-Jones. 1951-57. School Monitor. Head of School House.

Lower VI Science. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1954; "A" Level, 1957. Games

Committee. Colts XV, 1953. Colours, 1953. Played for 1st XV, 1954. 1st XI Hockey, 1957. Colours and Cap, 1957. Yorkshire Schoolboy

Trials, 1957. Cpl. in R.A.F. Section. Cert. "A", Part I. Proficiency. 1st Class Shot. A. G. Hall. 1951-57 (St. Olave's, 1947). House Monitor. Lower VI Science.

G.C.E., "0" Level, 1955; "A" Level, 1957. Science Society Committee.

Chapel Committee. Member of Curia. Choir, 1955-57. 3rd XV, 1956. 4th IV, 1957. Leading Seaman Exam. i/c Nelson Division. Cert. "A",

Part I. P.O. Exam. Efficiency. Marksman. L. T. Beaumont. 1953-57 (St. Olave's, 1948). Transitus Science. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1956. Colts XV, 1955. 1st XV, 1956. Colours, 1956. "A"

XV, 1956. Colts XV, 1955. 2nd XI, 1957. Leading Cadet, R.A.F.

Section. Cert. "A", Part I. Proficiency, 1957. Efficiency. 1st Class

Shot. J. F. Middleton. 1954-57 (St. Olave's, 1948). VA. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1957. Colts XV, 1955-56. 3rd XV, 1956-57. Colts XI, 1955. Colts

Colours, 1956. 1st XI, 1956-57. Colours, 1956-57. Cap, 1957. Leading Cadet, R.A.F. Section. Cert. "A", Part I. Proficiency. Efficiency.

Marksman. N. F. Moore. 1954-57. VA. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1957. Cadet in Army

Section. Cert. "A", Part I. 2nd Class Shot. T. D. L. Rice. 1953-57. Transitus Science. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1956. Cpl. in Army Section. Cert. "A", Parts I and II. 1st Class Shot. J. G. Saunders. 1956-57. Lower Shell A. Bronze Medallion R.L.S.S. P. R. Webster. 1954-57 (St. Olave's, 1949). VB. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1957. N. M. Young. 1955-57. VA. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1957 Cert. "A".

Proficiency. Leading Cadet, R.A.F. Section.

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