Oct 1957

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Swain, M. L. (Elementary Mathematics). Thomas, C. L. (Physics-with-Chemistry, Art). Trollope, R. R. (English Language, English Literature, Geography, French, General Science). ALTERNATIVE ORDINARY LEVEL The following members of the VIth Form passed the new Alt. "0" Paper on "The Economic Structure of England" :Baxter, R., Beresford, D. N. L., Chilman, T., Dronfield, P. J., Gosling, K., Hall, A. G., Jenkinson, T. M., Kershaw, M. J., Knapton, J. J. F., Quickfall, C. J., Robbins-Jones, T. J., Sabben-Clare, T. E. H., Unwin, H. W. H., Wilson, M. B., Wroe, S. J. S.

VALETE AND SALVETE VALETE (JULY, 1957) THE GROVE D. Huger. 1951-57 (St. Olave's, 1946). School Monitor. Head of School. Head of The Grove. Chapel Monitor, 1955-56. Upper VI Modern. G.C.E., "A" Level, 1956, "0" Level, 1954. Chapel Committee. Games Committee. Debating Society Committee. Editor of "The Peterite". Member of Curia. Chairman, 1956. School Orchestra, 1951-57. Choir, 1955-56. Colts XV, 1952. Colours, 1953. 1st XV, 1953-54-55-56-57. Colours, 1953-57. "A" XV, 1953. 1st XI Hockey, 1953-54-56-57. Colours, 1953-57. Captain and Cap, 1956-57. Yorkshire Schoolboys' Trial, 1956. Yorkshire Schoolboys' Hockey XI, 1957. 2nd XI, 1957. Colours, 1957. Goodburn Cup, 1955. York Cross-Country Youth Team and award, 1956. Squash V and Colours, 1956-57. Warranted Assistant Scout Master. Queen's Scout, 1955. T. G. Stephenson. 1951-57. School Monitor. Upper VI Mathematics. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1954; "A" Level, 1956. Games Committee. Debating Society Committee. Colts XV, 1953-54-55. Colours, 1953-54. Captain, 1954-55. 1st XV, 1955-56-57. Colours, 1955-57. Cap, 195657. Durham County Schoolboys' XV, 1956-57. 2nd IV, 1955-56. Colours, 1955. 1st IV, 1957. Colours, 1st VIII. P.O. i/c R.N. Section. Cert. "A", Part I. P.O. Exam. 1st Class Shot. Efficiency Badge. G. V. Plester. 1951-57. House Monitor. Lower VI Science. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1955; "A" Level, 1957. York City Major Scholarship, 1957. Science Society Committee. 2nd XV, 1956-57. 1st VIII, 1957. 2nd IV Colours. Chess Team, 1955-57. Sgt. in R.A.F. Section of C.C.F. Cert. "A", Part I. Proficiency. Advanced Proficiency. Marksman. Efficiency Badge. H. W. H. Unwin. 1952-57. House Monitor. Lower VI Modern. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1954; "A" Level, 1957. 3rd XV, 1955-56. 2nd XV, 1956-57. Chess Team, 1953-57. Sgt. 2 i/c Basic Section, C.C.F. Cert. "A", Parts I and II. R.A. Exam., Part I. Efficiency Badge. 1st Class Shot. C. J. Quickfall. 1952-57 (St. Olave's, 1947). House Monitor. Lower VI Science. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1955; "A" Level, 1957. Choir, 1949-54. Science Society Committee. Lifesaving Medallion. Cert. "A", Part I. P.O. Exam., 1957. 2 i/c R.N. Basic Section. Queen's Scout. Efficiency Badge. 1st Class Shot. C. J. Copley. 1955-57 (St. Olave's, 1950). Upper Shell A. Natural History Society. 2nd Class Scout. J. J. F. Knapton. 1953-57 (St. Olave's, 1949). Lower VI Mathematics. G.C.E., "0" Level, 1955; "A" Level, 1957. School Play, 1955. Colts XI, 1955. Captain and Colours, 1955. Colts XV, 1955. Colours, 1955. 1st XI, 1956-57. Colours, 1956-57. 1st XV, 1956-57. Colours, 1956-57. Leading Cadet, R.A.F. Section. Proficiency, 1957. Cert. "A". 1st Class Shot. Efficiency Badge.

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