THE BUILDING APPEAL A progress report is being sent to all Old Peterites and other friends of the School, together with a 3rd list of subscribers. The total amount so far subscribed, including future instalments of Covenants, stands at £22,978 15s. 6d. The report will include particulars both of building operations already completed or in progress and of projects for the immediate future. Our target remains at £100,000.
OLD PETERITE NEWS COMMEMORATION The Commemoration weekend will be from Friday, 25th July, to Sunday, 27th July. Preliminary information about the programme is given on page 3 of this issue, and full details will be sent in due course to each member of the O.P. Club. The O.P. Dinner will again be held on the Saturday evening at the School. R. A. Stratton, Tynron, 8 Riddings Road, Hale, Cheshire, will again be responsible for the O.P. cricket team and K. H. Rhodes, at the School, will, as usual, arrange the boat races. The Annual General Meeting of the Club will be held at 6-30 p.m. immediately prior to the Dinner on the Saturday, and it is strongly urged that all O.P.s who are present at Commemoration will make a special effort to attend and make the meeting truly representative.
MEETING OF GENERAL COMMITTEE 22nd March, 1958 A General Committee Meeting of the O.P. Club was held at the School on Saturday, 22nd March. The Head Master was in the Chair and there were 18 members present, including the President (Mr. H. L. Creer). It was reported that the Annual Dance held at the School on 18th January in the organisation of which the Club, through the aegis of a few York members, assisted for the first time was a great success and resulted in the sum of £203 10s. 11d. being paid to the Building Appeal Fund. The date of the next dance was to be fixed by the Head Master and C. S. Shepherd, and announced in "The Peterite" as soon as possible. The resignation of P. M. Steele from the Committee was announced owing to his permanent residence in London. J. B. Mortimer had kindly undertaken to organise in future the O.P. hockey team for the annual fixture against the School. The arrangements for Commemoration, 1958, are circulated separately with this issue of "The Peterite", but members are asked 4