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Old Peterite News

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St. Olave's

St. Olave's

A progress report is being sent to all Old Peterites and other friends of the School, together with a 3rd list of subscribers. The total amount so far subscribed, including future instalments of Covenants, stands at £22,978 15s. 6d.

The report will include particulars both of building operations already completed or in progress and of projects for the immediate future.

Our target remains at £100,000.


The Commemoration weekend will be from Friday, 25th July, to Sunday, 27th July. Preliminary information about the programme is given on page 3 of this issue, and full details will be sent in due course to each member of the O.P. Club. The O.P. Dinner will again be held on the Saturday evening at the School. R. A. Stratton, Tynron, 8 Riddings Road, Hale, Cheshire, will again be responsible for the O.P. cricket team and K. H. Rhodes, at the School, will, as usual, arrange the boat races.

The Annual General Meeting of the Club will be held at 6-30 p.m. immediately prior to the Dinner on the Saturday, and it is strongly urged that all O.P.s who are present at Commemoration will make a special effort to attend and make the meeting truly representative.


A General Committee Meeting of the O.P. Club was held at the School on Saturday, 22nd March. The Head Master was in the Chair and there were 18 members present, including the President (Mr. H. L. Creer).

It was reported that the Annual Dance held at the School on 18th January in the organisation of which the Club, through the aegis of a few York members, assisted for the first time was a great success and resulted in the sum of £203 10s. 11d. being paid to the Building Appeal Fund. The date of the next dance was to be fixed by the Head Master and C. S. Shepherd, and announced in "The Peterite" as soon as possible.

The resignation of P. M. Steele from the Committee was announced owing to his permanent residence in London. J. B. Mortimer had kindly undertaken to organise in future the O.P. hockey team for the annual fixture against the School.

The arrangements for Commemoration, 1958, are circulated separately with this issue of "The Peterite", but members are asked 4

to note that an innovation this year is the staging of a Golf Competition at Strensall on Sunday afternoon, 27th July.

The most important business of the meeting was to recommend to the Annual General Meeting a President for the next three years in succession to Mr. H. L. Creer who, having served for three years, retires in accordance with Rule 3 (a). On the proposition of the retiring President, seconded by C. C. Fairweather, it was unanimously resolved that Dr. Marcus Clegg (1897-1907) be nominated.

It was decided that C. C. Fairweather, the Club's representative on the Board of Governors, should report any matters of general interest arising from the Board's deliberations to each meeting of the General Committee.

The reports of District Committees were received.


The North West Area Annual Dinner was held in Manchester at the New Millgate Hotel, on Friday, 7th March, and was once again a great success, with an increased gathering of 32 people, and apologies for last minute inability to attend from nine others.

Though this is a meeting of only three years' standing it promises well for the future. In all 111 "Old Peterites" were notified, and they came from as far afield as Aldershot, Newcastle, and Carlisle.

The Head Master was present, and the Chair was taken by J. A. Hanson.

It was noted, as will be seen from the list, that the gathering covered a period from 1914-1957. Thus any "Old Peterite" considering next year's gathering can expect to meet an old boy who was at the School during his own period. It will be seen from the list that no fewer than six past Head Boys of the School were present at the Dinner, namely, Rhodes, Graham, Shepherd, Penniston, Frank, and C. H. Lewis.

The following were present :-

1918-21 Hanson, J. A. 1922-31 Blackburn, W. D. 1946-51 Booth, J. M. Jackson, G. F., Ex Master. 1947-55 Lewis, C. H.

1946-50 Booth, J. G. 1943-53 Booth, A. T.

1923-26 Lewis, T. J. 1921-29 Maclldowie, A. B. 1944-50 Buttrum, A. P. 1939-44 Penniston, P. 1948-54 Carr, N. W. M. 1949-52 Proctor, D. R. 1953-56 Chadwick, C. I. 1947-52 Raylor, J. M. 1948-53 DeLittle, R. J. 1914-20 Rhodes, K. H. Dronfield, J., 1952-57 Ridley, I. N. Head Master. 1936-46 Shepherd, C. S. 1942-49 1945-52 Franks, C. Glasson, G. E. 1950-55 1935-43 Shirtcliffe, J. R. Stratton, R. A. 1932-37 Graham, 1944-46 Thomas, T. P. Dr. G. E. L. 1920-23 Troughton, A. P. 1952-57 Gregory, C. B. M. 1936-39 Warren, K. A. 1943-47 HaIlas, M. Mr. Colbeck, Editor, 1944-50 Hunter, C. D. "Yorkshire Life".


The fourth successive Annual Dinner was held in the Dr. Eden Room of Trinity Hall on Thursday, 27th February. The Head Master and Mr. Jeffs, as representatives of the School, were entertained by a large gathering of Cambridge O.P.s. J. B. Weightman was in the Chair. After an excellent dinner, the toast of The School was proposed by H. P. G. Shaw, to which Mr. Dronfield and then Mr. Jeffs replied. C. K. Smith was also persuaded to say a few words. The Cambridge O.P.s are to be congratulated on their arrangements for this very enjoyable occasion. The following is a list of those present :-

The School.

The Head Master. Mr. E. S. Jeffs.

St. Catharine's.

D. G. Oldman. G. B. Pullan J. B. Weightman. 0. C. Wetherell. Emmanuel.

D. G. Barton.

J. C. M. Herring.

J. N. T. Howat.

W. R. Ibberson.

H. P. G. Shaw.

C. K. Smith. Pembroke.

B. M. Newdick. Selwyn.

E. I. Moore.


J. R. Peverley. Trinity Hall.

D. K. Timms. Russian Course—D. G. Metcalf.


We promised to print a list of Old Peterites who at present work overseas. Below is the list so far as we know, and it is hoped that it will lead to some happy reunions :—

Bealing, M. J., 1940-45; c/o The Australian and New Zealand Bank, Martin

Place and George Street, Sydney, Australia. Bower, E. C. F., 1920-21; 5 Cardiff Avenue, Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia. Claydon, J. B., 1947-54; Suite 1103, 1450 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, 5,

British Columbia, Canada. Colbeck, N. L., 1930-36: P.O. Box 221, Nahuru, Kenya, E. Africa. Corner, S., 1936-38; Landing and Shipping Co. of E. Africa, P.O. Box 368,

Mombasa, Kenya. Crawshaw, H. G., C.B.E., 1915-21; 27 Rue Victor Hugo, Tangier. Creer, A. D., 1890-94; 2966 Marine Drive, Hollyburn, West Vancouver,

Canada. Crosskill, W. B., 1951-54; No. 4 R.D., Kio Kio, Otorhangar, New Zealand. Denby, G. W., 1935-40; Allahabad Bank Buildings, 7 Royal Exchange Place,

Calcutta, India. Dewar, R. I., 1944-50; 7 Armoured Div., M.L.B. Coy., B.A.O.R. 23. Dewick, H. S. M., 1948-51; Hotel San Regis, 12 Rue Jean Gargon, Paris, 8e. Dixon, W. F., 1923-26; Private Bag 242A, Salisbury, S. Rhodesia. Jacques, S. H., 1926-30; c/o Warner Barres and Co. Ltd., P.O. Box 294,

Manila, Philippines. Leversedge, L. F., C.M.G., 1920-23; c/o The Secretariat, P.O. Box 208,

Lusaka, N. Rhodesia.

Milne, M. S., 1947-52; c/o Australia & New Zealand Bank, Labton Quay &

Featherstone Street, Wellington, New Zealand. Morison, I. D. C., 1931-39; Chatsworth Road, Silverstream, Nr. Wellington,

New Zealand. Phillips, W/Cdr. J. S. P., D.F.C., 1931-36; Nigerian Railways, c/o The

Secretariat, Lagos, Nigeria, W. Africa. Ping, A. C. W., 1929-38; 19 West Street, Bathurst, New South Wales,

Australia. Reynolds, A. G., 1934-44; c/o Mrs. H. S. Varde, Coover Villa, Colaba,

Bombay, 5, India. Rhodes, B. V., 1926-29; Supreme Court, Kuala Lumpur, Malaya. Richardson, H., 1909-14; Paget West, Bermuda. Roberts, Dr. W. L., 1913-18; "Longfield", P.O. Umfeseri, S. Rhodesia. Rodwell, B., 1938-41; P.O. Honeydew, Johannesburg, S. Africa. Sheriff, E., 1935-44; P.O. Box 446, Mufiliva, N. Rhodesia. Stratton, W. H., 1935-45; c/o U.B.O. Co. Ltd., Rio Claro, Trinidad, B.W.I. Temple, P. J., 1940-47; Park Hotel, Park Drive, Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Tendall, R. E. F., 1915-19; Junior School, St. Peter's College, Adelaide,

S. Australia. Webber, Lt. R. S. F., D.S.C., R.N., 1938-42; di. Shell Oil Co., Maracaibo,

Venezuela. Wicks, N. E., 1940-43; Cable & Wireless Ltd., St. Georges, Bermuda. Wyman, A. L., 1937-42; 9 Riverway Road, Glenarchy, Tasmania, Australia.

The Editor would be glad to hear of any alterations or additions for future publication.


In the Queen's Birthday Honours announced on 13th June last year, there appears in the Foreign Office List the award of the C.B.E. to H. G. Crawshaw (School House and Rise, 1915-21). Crawshaw was lately Assistant Administrator for Finance, Internal Administration of Tangier. We congratulate him on his distinction and we apologise for not printing this announcement before.


We congratulate Mr. Geoffrey H. Dodsworth (St. Peter's, 1937-41) on his adoption as prospective candidate by the Don Valley Conservative and Unionist Association. We understand that this seat is a Labour stronghold and we wish him luck when election time comes.


Professor Northcote Parkinson (St. Peter's, 1924-29), who holds the Raffles Chair of History at the University of Malaya, has just published an amusing and penetrating book which it would be presumptuous to review here : more eminent papers have referred to it already with universal delight.

The book is a satire on the inefficiencies of modern society based on the "Law" that all work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion. Professor Parkinson has written many books, but so far as we know this is his first humorous and satirical work. We hope for more.


We regret to record the death on 1 1 th March of C. F. C. Padel, late Head Master of Carlisle Grammar School. He was 85. C. F. C. Padel was at St. Peter's 1884-1891, won a scholarship to Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, and took a First Class in the Classical Tripos of 1894. In a long scholastic career he had taught at Merchiston Castle School, Rossall Preparatory School, Leys Schools, Marlborough and Eastbourne Colleges, and was for a time Head Master of Ashby de la Zouch School.


Another Old Peterite whose death we must record is R. G. Bingham, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. He was captain of the 1st XV in the closing years of the last century. He was at St. Peter's from 1893-1899.


EMMETT.—On 14th March, 1958, at the British Military Hospital, Rinteln,

Germany, to Ines (nee Fraser-Orr), wife of Capt. R. G. Emmett, a son (Antony Colin). [Temple, 1942-49.] GRAHAM.—On 28th April, at the Liverpool Maternity Hospital, to Nansi, wife of Dr. Earlam Graham, a son (Nicholas Robert). [School House, 1932-37.] TEE.—On 1st March, 1957, to Joan, wife of Peter F. Tee, a daughter (Sarah

Gwynne). [School House, 1940-43.] WARD.—On 17th March, at Fallodon Nursing Home, Leeds, to Judy (nee

Sparkes) and John D. Ward, a daughter (Susan Jane). [Temple, 1938-45.]


HAXBY—BRINDLE. On 17th February, at St. Andrew's Parish Church,

Bishopthorpe, David Alan, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Haxby, of York, to

Kathryn Frances, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Brindle, of Chestnuts, Bishop. thorpe, York. [The Rise, 1944-57.] KERSHAW—DAWSON. On 1st March, at St. Robert's Church, Parma',

Maurice, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Kershaw, of York, to Isobel Judith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alec Dawson, of Ashness, Pannal Ash Road,

Harrogate. [Temple, 1944-51.]


ALLANSON—HUDSON. The engagement is announced between Howard, only son of Mrs. D. E. Allanson and the late Mr. B. Allanson, Manor Farm,

Shipton-by-Beningbrough, and Sheila Dunbar, only daughter of Mr. and

Mrs. E. Hudson, Mill Farm, Brandsby. [Manor, 1943-48.] JAMES—KILGOW. The engagement is announced between Peter, only son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. James, of "The Spinney", Ranson Road, Thorpe,

Norwick, to June, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Kilgow, Kinmount

Kennels, Annan, Dumfrieshire. [The Rise, 1942-52.] SUTTON—SADLER. The engagement is announced between John,

Anthony, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Sutton, of York, and Gillian

Anne, only daughter of Mi. and Mrs. W. A. Sadler, also of York, [Temple, 1950-54.]


There are still a few copies of these Arms of the School available. They are attractively printed in colour and may be obtained from the Head Master's Secretary, price 2/9 post free.


To the Editor, "The Peterite".


March, 1958.

Dear Sir,

The outstanding event of this term was our Dinner held in the Royal Oxford Hotel on the evening of Saturday, 1st February. We were sorry that the Head Master was unable to be with us owing to illness, but our other guest, Mr. Le Tocq, most ably took his place. He gave us a brief review of the past year in the School, interspersed with moments of comedy, which had, on at least one of our members, a rather devastating effect.

Life here has been clouded for many by the threat of examinations of varying importance, which has kept them in enforced seclusion; wind, rain, sheet, snow and mud have kept the rest of us indoors.

And so to the activities of individuals :

Martin Baddeley, Keble. Apart from supplying Marsh with coffee (which he finds cheaper than tea), is making herculean efforts to master Aristotle's ideas on ethics in preparation for prelims. Consoles himself with thoughts of the approaching cricket season and is daily expecting his colours for his winter sport of bar billiards.

Michael Carter, Queens. His lofty garret in the Iffiey Road, ideal for watching University sport, appears to have been extended for the purpose of accommodating his increasing collection of oars. We congratulate him on again being a member of the crew which kept Queens at the Head of the River. At the time of writing he is displaying his prowess in another field to the Moderators.

Ian Cobham, Magdalen. Cannot remember how long he has been here, but claims to have celebrated V.E. day on the Martyrs' Memorial. Dwells chiefly at the Radcliffe Infirmary. Inventor, distributor and sole wearer of the Oxford Old Peterite scarf.

Richard Jenkinson, Worcester. Keeps an impressive disarray of Classical literature, which he claims he never reads. His prowess in the Judo world has led Baddeley to contemplate a course in selfdefence. Has suggested that an appeal be launched for the founding of another ladies' college, as the thought of being one of the 7i men to every girl in Oxford horrifies him.

Roger Kirkus, Hertford and St. Hugh's. Finds working for prelims. more congenial after taking tea at the latter institution, but has acquired a comfortable niche in Hertford beer-cellar when a 9

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