2 minute read
from Feb 1959
by StPetersYork
of defeats. The School were again without their main tactician, A. McCallum, and their reorganised back division always looked vulnerable. Mistakes by the School led to both the Old Boys tries in the first half, which D. Kirby duly converted, thus establishing a 10 point lead.
Two penalties against them set the seal on any ideas the School may have had of retaliation in the second half, and all the good open play was provided by the Old Boys. Further tries by R. R. Baldwin, C. Burdass and P. S. Roe, who was playing particularly well, with two further conversions, brought the total up to 29 points, and a sound lesson was brought home to the School.
A series of successive infringements against the Old Boys gave the School their only points when a penalty goal was successfully landed by J. A. Bygate in front of the posts.
D. Kirby; R. D. Wheatley, C. D. Hunter, P. B. Burbidge, J. Raylor; G. B. Pullan, P. S. Roe; C. W. Thompson (Capt.), R. R. Baldwin, L. T. Beaumont, C. Burdass, A. C. Stubbs, R. J. Sharp, H. C. Marshall, R. Baxter.
The weather this term was not severe enough to cause any largescale cancellation of outdoor activities; not much progress was consequently made in the annual competitions, nor was full use made of the Railway Institute courts. Nevertheless, a pleasing enthusiasm has been aroused among the new boys.
Three of last year's team remained at the beginning of term, but there were some six players of similar standard from whom to choose the last two strings. The eventual team met with somewhat unexpected success and won both their matches. A third match had been arranged against Bradford G.S., but ominous weather conditions prevented the team from travelling there.
Mr. Harding, Mr. Dodds and Mr. Craine are to be thanked for all the help they have given and all the time they have spent in the Squash court during the term.