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O.P. News
from Feb 1959
by StPetersYork
A Meeting of the O.P. General Committee was held at the School on Saturday, 13th December. The Head Master was in the Chair and there were 18 members present, including the President (Dr. Marcus Clegg).
It was decided that an O.P. Golf Meeting should again be held during Commemoration on Sunday afternoon, 26th July, on York Golf Course, Strensall. (Tee-off, 2-30 p.m.). One of last year's gallant pioneers, P. Crowe, of 95 Stockton Lane, York, was invited to make the necessary arrangements. Any golfing O.P. reading this note who will be attending Commemoration is invited to support this event.
The President reported that to mark his term of office he was particularly anxious to see provided the School War Memorial which was always intended to be the extension and refurnishing of Big Hall, the cost of which was estimated at £9,500. On 24th November he had, therefore, issued a personal appeal to some 150 O.P.s, who he thought might be able to do so, to sign 7-year covenants for the sum of £8 4s. 4d. per annum which, together with income tax rebate, would more than provide the amount required. To date the total amount covenanted or paid was £1,482 3s. 6d.
As it was considered by the Committee that many other Old Peterites who had not been personally canvassed by the President would like to be associated with this special appeal, it was decided that particulars thereof together with a plan of the scheme should be circulated with this issue of "The Peterite". Encouraging as has been the initial response to the President's appeal, a large sum is still required if the target is to be reached by next Commemoration, which is the aim. Any help, therefore, either great or small, will be much appreciated.
It was decided that a Sub-Committee, consisting of the President, Hon. Secretary, T. H. Burdon and H. L. Creer, should be appointed to consider and report upon the O.P. Club finances, having regard to the general principles considered at the A.G.M. held on 26th July, 1958.
A sample silk square of similar design to the new O.P. crested tie, the cost of which was 57s. 6d. each, was approved.
Reports of successful regional annual dinners held at Durham, Mirfield and London will appear elsewhere in this issue. The N.W. Regional Annual Dinner will be held at the New Millgate Hotel, Manchester, on Friday, 6th March, at 7-30 p.m. W. D. Blackburn, of "Glendale", 153 Barlow Moor Road, West Didsbury, Manchester, 20, is the organiser.
Mr. D. K. Crews was elected an honorary member of the Club. 44