OLD PETERITE NEWS A meeting of the O.P. General Committee was held at the School on Saturday, 7th March; the Head Master was in the chair and there were 24 members present, including the President, Dr. Marcus Clegg. The ad hoc Sub-Committee appointed by the General Committee to consider the finances of the O.P. Club, in accordance with a resolution passed at the last A.G.M., presented its report and after some discussion it was decided to recommend to the A.G.M. to be held on 25th July next that thereafter as follows :1. The life subscription for membership of the Club should be increased to £10 except for any Old Peterites who left the School prior to July, 1946, who shall continue to be admitted to the Club on payment of a life subscription of £5. 2. All life subscriptions received shall for a period of 7 years be loaned to the School free of interest but less a deduction of 1/50th of the total accumulated life subscriptions received at the end of each financial year, which shall be transferred to the General Fund. 3. The 1952 arrangement for the School to pay £60 per annum to the Club be continued for a further period of 7 years.
'COMMEMORATION, 1959 Old Peterites are again reminded that Commemoration weekend will be held from Friday, 24th July to Sunday, 26th Jul)s, but the C.C.F. will be presenting another pageant on Thursday evening, 23rd July, at 10-0 p.m., which will be repeated on. Friday evening, the 24th, at the same time. The O.P. Dinner will again be held at the School on Saturday evening, the 25th, following the Annual General Meeting of the Club at 6-30 p.m. R. A. Stratton, Glendye, Portland Road, Bowdon, Cheshire (Altrincham 3445), will again be responsible for organising the O.P. cricket team and K. H. Rhodes at the School will, as usual, arrange the boat races. All volunteers please communicate accordingly. P. Crowe, 95 Stockton Lane, York, has kindly undertaken to organise the O.P. Golf Meeting at the York Club, Strensall, on Sunday afternoon, 26th July, and any O.P. who is willing to support this new venture is asked to send his name to him as soon as possible. Full details of Commemoration are circulated separately with this issue.
As usual the area Dinner was held on the first Friday in March, i.e. the 6th March, 1959. The venue was changed for the first time from the New Millgate Hotel to the Portland Hotel, Fallowfield, and to be precise, held in what is known as the Cabin Club. 58