Feb 1960

Page 37

OLD PETERITE NEWS A meeting of the General Committee of the O.P. Club was held at the School on 12th December. A vacancy on the Committee was filled by the election of Philip Crowe who kindly organises the Golf Competition which has now become established in Commemoration Weekend. The President reported that the amount subscribed to date for the extension of Big Hall by way of donations and 7-year covenants was £5,777 but that another £6,000 was required to reach the sum which the Club had undertaken to find. Any O.P. reading this note who has not yet subscribed is urged to do so without delay, as the Head Master announced that the Rt. Rev. Maurice Harland, M.C., O.P., Bishop of Durham, had kindly consented to perform the opening ceremony, which it was proposed should be held at Commemoration on Saturday, 23rd July next. An album recording the names of all O.P.s who have subscribed will be maintained permanently in the Memorial Hall Particulars of the precise arrangements for the opening ceremony will be published in the next issue of "The Peterite". It was reported that the triennial list of members had been published and circulated to all members of the Club with the last issue of "The Peterite". In order to keep the list up-to-date any member changing his permanent address is asked to notify the Hon. Secretary immediately. Preliminary arrangements for the Club Dinner during Commemoration, 1960, were discussed. It will be held on Saturday evening, 23rd July, at 7-30 p.m., at the School following the A.G.M., and it is hoped to increase the accommodation so that all who wish to attend will be able to do so. NOTICES The next meeting of the General Committee will be held at the School on Saturday, 5th March, after the annual hockey match between the School and the Club. Any member who has any suggestion to make for the consideration of the Committee is asked to send it to the Hon. Secretary, T. J. Lewis, Chebula, Clifton Road, Runcorn, Cheshire, not later than the 20th February.

O.P. Crested Business Tie, Square, Cravat and O.P. Blazer Buttons Members are reminded that the new approved Club business tie bearing the crown and cross keys from the School coat of arms on a dark blue background may be obtained from the Hon. Secretary, whose address is Chebula, Clifton Road, Runcorn, Cheshire, upon receipt of the appropriate remittance together with a stamped (41d.) addressed foolscap envelope. The price of the all-silk tie is 18/6 and the rayon-reppe tie 11/9. Silk squares price 60/- and silk lined cravats at 34/- each, post free, in the same design are also available from the Hon. Secretary. The chrome blazer buttons, machine-indented with the School coat of arms, may be obtained direct from the Manager of the School Shop. The large size cost 3/- and the small size 1/8 each.

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