1 minute read
from May 1961
by StPetersYork
Sabre: St. Peter's-8 bouts. Leeds-1 bout. Total: St. Peter's 30 bouts; Leeds 4 bouts.
This was the first time that the School team had won all the Foil bouts; but they repeated this achievement against Stonyhurst, who were weakened by the loss of their former captain, Miles. The scores were :— Foil:
St. Peter's-16 bouts. Stonyhurst-0 bouts. Epee St. Peter's-6 bouts. Stonyhurst 3 bouts. Sabre: St. Peter's-5 bouts. Stonyhurst-4 bouts. Total: St. Peter's 27 bouts; Stonyhurst 7 bouts.
M. A. Abel and G. R. Monfort were re-awarded their Colours, and M. A. Clegg was awarded his during this term. Clegg is the first new Colour for over a year.
At the end of term, the Dr. Slade Junior Presentation Foil was fenced for and won by R. W. Oliver after a barrage with G. F. Eastaugh. The high standard of fencing shown by some of the beginners bodes well for the Junior Fencing Matches next term. C.L.B.
Shooting followed the usual pattern for an Easter term, and consisted mainly of practices for "Country Life", with a few postal matches and the training of the next generation.
The first VIII was probably, judged by averages, one of the best we have had, and it has maintained, on the whole, quite a good standard. From a study of "Country Life" scores in recent years, and the impression gained from our postal matches, the standard is rising steadily, and only by improving our own performance can we hope to maintain our position. The somewhat better scores probably mean that we are just about holding our own. The second VIII was not up to the quality of last year's, which was unusually good.
As usual, the many original newcomers dwindled to a small body of enthusiasts, among whom are some promising shots. There were more candidates than vacancies for .303 for the Summer term, and these were tested during the last week to find the most promising.
The first VIII, all of whom were re-awarded or awarded minor colours was :—P. G. Humpherson (Captain), M. J. Poynor (ViceCaptain), J. H. Starkey, J. D. Lightfoot, D. C. Shubrook, D. S. Yeadon, R. Dawes and J. R. Shannon. 51