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O.P. News


A meeting of the General Committee of the O.P. Club was held at the School on 4th March.

The resignation of C. W. Thompson as Hon. Secretary of the York District owing to his removal from the area was received with regret and it was decided to ask Philip Crowe to act in his stead.

It was decided to suggest to the York Committee that instead of the annual golf competition being played on the Sunday afternoon of Commemoration weekend it should be held in mid-week during the summer, either late afternoon or early evening.

K. M. Ratcliff has kindly undertaken to organise the O.P. cricket team in future vice R. A. Stratton, who wishes to be relieved of the task after many seasons of yeoman service for which the Committee is most grateful.

It was with great satisfaction that the Committee heard from C. C. Fairweather, the Club's representative on the Board of Governors, that in furtherance of the School building programme tenders had been accepted for the construction of two new squash courts and for the extension of the School dining hall together with new kitchen.

It was reported that the O.P. crested bow ties were now available and could be obtained from the Hon. Secretary (T. J. Lewis, Chebula, Clifton Road, Runcorn) price 11 /9d. plus s.a.e. (41-d.).

The Hon. Secretary having reported that in accordance with rule III(a) Dr. M. T. Clegg would retire from the office of President at the next A.G.M., it was unanimously resolved that the A.G.M. be recommended to elect J. A. Hanson (1918-21) as President of the Club for the ensuing three years.

Reports of District Committees were received.

Commemoration, 1961-0.P.s are reminded that Commemoration weekend will be from Friday, 28th July, to Sunday, 30th July. The O.P. annual dinner will again be held on the Saturday evening at the School and it is hoped that there will again be a full house as last year. Therefore, members are urged to make early application for tickets.

K. M. Ratcliff, whose address is 11 Main Avenue, Totley, Sheffield, will be responsible for organising the O.P. cricket team and K. H. Rhodes from the School will, as usual, be kindly arranging boat races.

The A.G.M. of the Club will be held at 6-30 p m immediately prior to the dinner on the Saturday and all O.P.s present at Commemoration are asked to make a special effort to attend the meeting to ensure that it is fully representative. 55

Full details of the Commemoration arrangements are circularised separately with this issue of "The Peterite" and it will be observed that for the first time for many years the prizes at Speech Day are to be distributed by an Old Peterite, John Rodgers, M.P., and, in addition, an Old Peterite, the Rev. J. C. Houghton, has been invited to preach the Commemoration sermon.


Arrangements have been made to hold this competition at the York Golf Club, Strensall, York, on Thursday, 29th June.

The competition will take the form of a Stableford round and cards may be taken out between 2-30 and 5-0 p.m. in the afternoon.

Teas are available at the Club for those who will require them.

Would those who will be entering please forward their names, addresses and handicaps to the organiser : P. Crowe, 95 Stockton Lane, York.


In the hope that it would be possible to clear the cost of the Memorial Hall, which was £13,800, before he retires at the next Annual General Meeting, the President on the 16th March circulated the letter printed below which is self-explanatory, to all O.P.s who had not yet subscribed. Whilst the President acknowledges with gratitude the donations and covenants received which total £12,017, a far better response was expected and all O.P.s who have not yet helped are reminded that the sum of £1,783 is still urgently required.

Every O.P. has received at least two Deeds of Covenant but if they have been mislaid a further form of covenant may be obtained from the Bursar at the School :—

Dear O.P., OLD PETERITE CLUB, YORK 11 The Garlands, Scarborough, 16th March, 1961.


The letter circularised by me on 25th April, 1960, to all Old Peterites to help to raise £12,000 met with a most gratifying response, as the sum of £11,454 has now been subscribed by some 296 Old Boys. There still remains, however, a great number who have not given.

The Memorial Hall, of which you will have seen photographs in the October issue of "The Peterite", was entirely completed and officially opened during last Commemoration. It is a truly noble building and a magnificent addition to the School, but, as the result of certain essential improvements and additions, the total cost has risen to £13,800, and it is imperative, in order to fulfil our promise, to raise quickly a further £2,346. As I think that you will wish to associate yourself with this loyal endeavour, I do appeal to you most earnestly for your generous support. Please, therefore, send now a donation or, preferably, fill in the enclosed Deed of Covenant and return it to the Bursar at the School. It will be most gratefully acknowledged.

Yours sincerely,

M. T. CLEGG, President.

The following is a table showing the growth of 7-year Covenants

Annual net cash Total of Total accruing payment from taxed seven cash payments to Fund (including income by Donor by Donor Income Tax recovered) s. d. s. d. s. d. 1 1 0 7 7 0 10 3 10 2 2 0 14 14 0 20 7 9 3 3 0 22 1 0 30 11 11 4 4 0 29 8 0 40 15 9 5 5 0 36 15 0 50 15 11 6 6 0 44 2 0 61 3 9 7 7 0 51 9 0 71 7 9 8 8 0 58 16 0 81 11 8 9 9 0 66 3 0 91 15 8 10 10 0 73 10 0 101 19 7


The inaugural dinner of Old Peterites living in and around Birmingham was held on Friday, 5th May, at Smallwood's Restaurant, in Birmingham.

The following were present :-

K. H. Rhodes (1914-20), M. Hollway (1930-36), C. C. Houghton (1925-30), R. Bower (1935-38), M. J. Bond (1955-58), D. F. Dodd (1928-32), J. McNaught Inglis (1932-40), H. F. S. Gedge (1913-18).

It was decided that the Birmingham Dinner should be held annually on the second Friday in May.

Unfortunately, Mr. Dronfield was unable to attend. A toast was drunk to Mr. Rhodes' good health on his birthday anniversary of 7th May.

A covenant was completed by C. C. Houghton. 57


The O.P. XV v. The School. Saturday, 16th December, 1961.

Due to the increased number of applications to play in the above fixture, it has been found necessary to amend the system of selection.

Formerly the side was picked, as far as possible, in the order in which applications were received, on account of the small number of would-be players. Last year over thirty people wished to be considered for places, and naturally many were disappointed.

To ensure a better balance in the composition of the side, it is proposed to fix a closing date for applications, and to endeavour to select a team more representative of all age groups of rugby playing O.P.s.

Applications, stating Club, position, years in School XV, should be sent to :—

C. W. Thompson, 37 Broadway, Peterborough, Northants. Closing date for applications is 25th November, 1961.


As the appeal for news in the last issue brought but two or three replies, it has been decided to insert a leaflet in this edition, which Old Boys are asked to send back to the Editor with any interesting information about themselves or other Old Boys for inclusion in this very important section of the magazine.

M. J. BADDELEY (The Grove 1947-55), who is reading Theology at Oxford, has been awarded the Hall-Houghton Junior Septuagint Prize.

J. T. BROCKBANK (Temple 1928-39), who has been Deputy Town Clerk of Nottingham, has been appointed Clerk to the Durham County Council.

DR. P. R. G. GRAHAM (School House 1935-40) has been appointed a Justice of the Peace in Wigan.

C. J. GRIFFITHS (School House 1949-54) passed his 3rd M.B. in December and started at a House Surgeon at the West Kent Hospital, Maidstone, on 7th March. He was married to Miss Ann Robina Marritt at New Eltham on 27th February.

K. A. HOPPER (Queen's 1953-57) played scrum-half for Devon in the County Championship this season, in which they were defeated in the Final by Cheshire.

C. W. JosE (The Rise 1947-57) obtained a First Class in Classical Moderations at Oxford in March. 58

DR. J. C. Lv.rx (Day Boys 1897-1902) has published a series of five lectures on First Aid in Mountain Rescue, which he gave to the Keswick Mountain Rescue Team. All the proceeds of the booklet have been given to the funds of the Rescue Team.

W. H. WENTWORTH PING (The Rise 1932-42) has been appointed a Special Director of Firth-Vickers Stainless Steel Ltd., Sheffield. He is already the General Sales Manager of the firm.

R. J. SHANKS (Temple 1947-54) has obtained his LL.B. at London University and is to be presented to the Queen Mother at the Royal Albert Hall on 10th May.


BROWN—CRUMP. Hugh Goundry Brown, F.R.C.S., and Ann Mary Crump,

M.B., B.S., elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Crump, of Shincliffe,

Durham. [School House, 1940-44.] KETTLEWELL—RIDSDALE. Thomas Anthony Willmott, elder son of

Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Kettlewell, of Hook, Goole, and Anne, youngest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ridsdale, of Blackburn. [Rise, 1950-55]. LIVERSIDGE—WRIGHT. John Franklyn Liversidge and Jennifer Gillian, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Wright, Norfolk House, Leeds Road,

Selby. [Manor, 1952-55.] WILSON--COLYER. Arthur George Wilson and Paula Colyer, The Red

House, Radlett. [Day Boys, 1911-13.]


DANIEL—BLATTER. On 7th April, 1961, at the Church of St. Peter and

St. Paul, Bern, Switzerland, Michael Ian Daniel, of Nassau, Bahamas, to

Ursula Veronika, younger daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Fritz Blatter, of

Bern. [The Manor, 1942-49.] EDINGER--CARR. On 8th April, 1961, at All Saints', Ripley, Captain

Leland Duncan Edinger to Julie Ann Roberts, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. William Carr, Beckwith, Harrogate. [School House, 1936-47.] HARNBY—MACPHERSON. On 24th September, 1960, at St. Martin's

Church, Scarborough, Frederick Bryan Simpson Hamby to Ellen Moira, only daughter of Mrs. Dorothy Macpherson and Dr. I. G. Macpherson of York. [Temple, 1939-44.]

BIRTHS LYNCH—On 7th March, 1961, in Exmouth, Devon, to Margaret, wife of

Major C. J. Lynch, a daughter (Melanie Jane). [Temple, 1933-37.] PING—On 12th February, 1961, in Sydney, N.S.W., Australia, to Dorothy, wife of Alan C. Wentworth Ping, a daughter (Sally Ann), sister for

Briony, Andrew and Angela. [The Rise, 1929-38.] RELTON—On 24th November, 1960, at Middlesbrough, to Vera, wife of

Ronald A. Relton, a son (Christopher Martin), a brother for Julian

Marcus. [Temple, 1945-49.]

Dear Sir,

It is invariably difficult when writing these letters to preface adequately the "who is doing what" section, especially when it is in this part that the interest of the majority of readers lies. It would be easy of course to fill it with sententious nonsense as spoken by a disturbingly large proportion of gentlemen in residence here. Easy, too, to pad it out with frivolous nothings as indulged in by an almost equal proportion. However, since the majority of the O.P. population manages to tread the narrow line of moderation, avoiding the extremes of excess work or games, and sidestepping the groups both of those gentlemen whose deepest concern is the whereabouts of their next glass of sherry and also of the pitiable but doubtless self-esteemed eccentrics who make a virtue of their peculiarity, we can perhaps keep our comments within the confines of normality. Suffice it to say that at this time of year the freshmen are making their first ventures into punts, while everyone regulates his activities with more or less thought of the end of term exams. The activities of individuals continue to vary surprisingly.

J. N. T. HOWAT is finding five years as a student rather too long. He is still involved in boating, and continues to help at a teenage coffee bar, but not, he claims, as a "do gooder".

P. L. BELLWOOD has been contributing short stories to Granta, and acted as M.C. at the inter-varsity boxing match.

T. CHILMAN is an enthusiastic member of the University O.T.C. He is at present terrorising those who know him by practising driving large army trucks round our already crowded and narrow streets.

D. B. IRVIN is deserting us for Oxford at the end of this year. Perhaps he is trying to compensate for Derek Wheatley's frequent and welcome visits here. However, we shall miss him and we wish him well.

D. Knurl took a party to the Oxford O.P. Dinner and has been elected to the Ganders S.R.C. We wish him every success for himself and his team in the coming season.

P. J NETHERWOOD and D. T. SPARHAM claim to be making every effort to avoid engagements. We are still trying to interpret this remark.

E. S. PORTLOCK has been rowing in our Goldie boat and was reserve to the University 1st VIII, and he coached the Emmanuel 1st VIII. We congratulate him on his achievements in the rowing world.

D. J. Cool( has produced another party which was much enjoyed by those of us who attended. He won his oar in the Lent bumps, and edits his college magazine.

P. A. CROSSLEY is to be congratulated on his engagement. He has also found time to help behind the scenes of Emmanuel's Greek play. We hear that he has nearly been gassed.

A. H. CROWTHER has helped with the production of "Galileo" this term. He seems to sleep at queer times, and tells us that his dreams are disturbed.

P. J. DRONFIELD appears to lead a settled existence that agrees with him, but we don't know what it is. We envy his apparent tranquility.

W. M. HOWARD indulges in as much sport as ever, and still insists on treating his visitors to Mario Lanza. Perhaps he wants to be rid of them. 60

M. J. KERSHAW is in the same happy state as Dronfield as far as we can tell. He always appears to be smart and contented, in spite of occasional ventures on to the sports ground.

D. G. METCALF is not often seen. We believe he has some dealings with Selwyn boat club.

T. E. H. SABBEN-CLARE has not deserted rowing despite a sprained ankle. He coxed; the Emmanuel 2nd Lent VIII to the astonishment of all his acquaintances.

E. C. SEDMAN, still wearing his magnificent moustache, is in mourning for the passing of his van into the scrap yard.

J. G. SLATER, like most of the O.P.s up at present, is involved with boating. He rowed for his college 1st VIII, but says that this is his last term in a boat. He sings in the C.U.M.S. concerts each term.

E. S. BOLTON rows for St. Catharine's 4th VIII, grumbles about the local beer and has a complicated and illegible hypothesis on this subject.

A. N. P. BUTLAND soldiers with enthusiasm of the Chilman brand in the O.T.C. He objects to ladies reading engineering, and is prepared to argue on anything political at any time.

D. H. GEE is working hard. He is still being selected for his hockey team, and still searches for the water mains in his digs.

C. D. IBBERSON rowed for the Emmanuel 1st Lent VIII, and enjoys life when the river permits. He is taking up Law next year.

T. D. J. LAYFIELD has been elected to Emmanuel 17 Club. He put in a small but delightful performance in the very successful Greek play staged by the College Classical Society.

D. L. SLADE has spent his term on the river in the 1st Lent Boat, in ski party reunions and in enjoying port.

J. R. PEVERLEY is seen in the company of a young lady and a large motor bike. We imagine this is the reason that we have seen little of him.

R. G. BEAN is to be heard singing in various local concerts from time to time, but on the whole we don't often see him.

Finally may we point out that we all manage to work as well, and may we offer our congratulations to those who have won awards here, we look forward to seeing them and the other Peterites who are coming up next year.

Yours sincerely,


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